11 paces. Sitting on a blow-down to eat my lunch at noon.
Turned out well after 35 yards of trailing. You can see the log behind me in this image.
Even closer was a shot at a doe - maybe 6 yards below my tree-stand. Also turned out well.
Note the exit wound on the bottom. 20 foot blood-trail.
Not shown is the large buck I tried at who was almost at my feet below me. Must have grazed the spine. He dropped, and when he lay still I tied my bow to the haul line and lowered it. He regained his feet and ran into a swamp. Never recovered him after two and a half days of searching. Lesson learned - shoot until they are out of range if you can.
I prefer now to shoot at 15 to 20 yards and try to involve both lungs. Seems to work very well.