The back part of our archery range is a hill covered with trees and bushes. It is part of a dedicated open area, so no hunting goes on there. In fact, we sometimes have to shoo the turkeys away from our targets, because us just being there shooting arrows over their heads isn't enough to scare them off. Once I was walking the ridgeline on the back part of our range with my dog, and I guess we were being pretty quiet, although not intentionally. The dog usually stays about 10-15 yards in front. I saw her go on point and I looked in the direction she was pointing, and my first thought was that someone had hauled a deer target up there, because a buck was standing with his head down, not moving at all, about 20 yards away. The dog's inclination in situations like that is to freeze, and I did too. We both watched the deer for a half minute or so, until it finally woke up and picked its head up and looked at us. Then it turned and trotted off, but not in a panicky way.