Well November 14th has again arrived in Michigan and that is a sad day for me knowing the red coat army takes over tomorrow and another bow season is in the books. I often get out for the last night and typically it is an evening of reflection for me. Tonight was really windy so I set up in a stand along a ditch that bisects two farm fields and often has bucks cruising between two bedding areas this time of year. As luck would have it(at least for me - not the buck) this fella came cruising along and stopped in my shooting lane at 20 or so yards. I made what looked to be a decent shot and he turned tail and jogged back the way he came into the heavy lowland brush. Because the wind was so strong I did not hear him go down so I waited 20 minutes before I snuck over to check out the spot I hit him. Also - it was only 3pm so I had a lot of daylight to do the dirty work.
Arrow is how I found it and started out with yellow fletching - stuck in the ground on the back side of where he was standing. I gathered up my gear and took my roll of TP to start what I assumed to be a simple track. Turns out very little blood was let out even with a pass through the heart so it went a little slower than expected but in 40yrd there he lay. Dead in seconds - I feel rather fortunate to get a decent Mid-Michigan buck on the last day of the season.
Bow is a Jess Stuart RMR knock off that is lights out for me. I cannot say enough about this little bow. 45@25 with 27" AD Trad Lites and my usual Wensel Woodsman on the business end. True pass through shots are the norm and not the exception with this bow. I am so impressed with it's performance with my short draw. Thanks Jess for my favorite bow.
and a silly hero shot