I went up to my friend's farm yesterday afternoon to go hunting. When I came around the curve to the first field on my left I saw 5 orange hats spaced along the far edge of the front half of the field. Three trucks were parked close to the road at the entrance I normally use.
I drove on past the field, saw another orange hat entering the woods midway between the first field and the second field and when I came to the second field I saw 3 more orange hats spaced along it. They were in the midst of a man drive.
I called my friend's son and asked if there was a man drive hunt in the two fields. He told me "Yes, but they won't be able to drive the back half of the field so you can go on back and hunt your stand.
I turned around, drove to the first entrance and parked there. I got my bow and all my gear and headed to the back of the field. I was moving the stand deeper into the woods, so when I got to my stand I dropped off my gear and walked deeper into the woods looking for sign.
I had gone about 40 yards when I heard some noise to mt right. I stopped and looked and saw 3 deer dogs running with their noses to the ground. They continued past me and looped back and headed back the direction from which they came but about 20 yards deeper into the woods.
After they went out of sight I continued walking and found a lot of deer sign and a heavily used trail. Then to my amazement a fourth deer dog went past me and looped back on the trail the first 3 dogs took.
I relocated my treestand to a tree 12 yards past the trail I found, secured it to the tree, tied my bow to my haul up rope, put on my safety harness, climbed up into the stand and secured the strap to the tree. I screwed a bow hanger into the tree, pulled my bow up, took the quiver off the bow and hung it on the hook and turned around and sat down.
I "hunted" for about two and a half hours. I didn't see any deer, but I did see a lot of squirrels and I had a red headed woodpecker pounding away on a dead tree about 8 years away and over my right shoulder. The woodpecker drilled on that tree for at least an hour.
After all of the commotion of the man drive and the deer dogs, and me moving and erecting my ladder stand, I didn't expect to see any deer. But I still had a great hunt and a great evening in the woods.