First, Javelina do not like cold weather as they don't have fur. They seem to find a cave or such at night in the winter, then at first light (when the sun hits the hills) they come out on the east or south side of hills or mountains and feed in the sun until mid-morning. They don't move much. I recommend you find a good glassing area and be there at sun rise. If they are a long ways away, go after them, as they probably won't be going anywhere. I have taken several after blowing a shot- they will scatter like quail. Sit tight, and most likely one or more will come drifting back in a few minutes to try to find the main group. I have not seen snakes in January (Arizona or NM)and would not expect you to find them then. As mentioned above, they don't see well and if you keep the wind right you should be able to stalk in close.