Hello all,
Greetings from SE Pennsylvania.
I must admit I haven’t been hunting as much as I would have wanted to this year, but I have actually done quite a bit more scouting. To be honest, I am amazed. I have not seen ANY sign of deer for the past 3 months. A field near me alternates corn and soy. Every year that corn is planted, the day after it’s cut, there is a herd of deer there feeding. This was a “corn” year. I snuck in to scout (this was a few months ago) and was amazed to see NO sign of deer. No scat, no prints in the dirt, nothing. I’ve been checking in here and there, but still nothing.
Another spot I try is a small plot of land near a church. They don’t come through there thick, but there is almost always some sign. This year, again, nothing.
In fact, the only real “signs of life” I’ve seen is during the crop damage hunts during the summer (those weren’t with bow). Under the program, I can take an antlerless deer. All I saw was a 4-pointer (not legal at any time). Even on this farm, there is barely any sign of activity.
In fact, in hind-sight, I actually don’t recall seeing as many while driving around to work and the stores. I also don’t recall much road-kill.
Is anyone else experiencing this or am I just worrying too much and should just get out more? It has been cooler recently. Tomorrow is supposed to be colder around here than it has for the last 2 winters. Again, just wondering if it’s me. Season’s closed until Monday after Thanksgiving. I hope to take the Helm’s Deep for a walk on the farm that day. Maybe some other hunters will bump a few my way. Who knows? Up until now, I’ve seen ‘em but haven’t gotten ‘em. Maybe this will be my year?
Be well, hunt safe.