Checking in from Western PA, WMU 1A. We've got loads of deer over here and a lot of really nice bucks running around. The apple mast was really great due to no late frosts so the deer have been feasting on those. I've noticed that the hard mast crop has been good in most areas I hunt though some areas are sparce on acorns. Amazing numbers of hickory nuts and walnuts all around. I've noticed the highest numbers of squirrels I've ever seen and can limit out any day I go out, as long as it isn't terribly windy. There are plenty of coons and beavers as well, for all the trappers. Things are good on this side of the state. We haven't had a deep snow since the blizzard that wrecked Pittsburgh 3 years ago, which resulted in quite a few starved deer. Turkeys in my area are difficult to locate though and I attribute that to the increase in coyote and fisher populations. I've seen 2 fishers in the past two years, however both were near the Warren/Erie County line in Pittsfield, PA. One of those fishers was in the chicken coop I was getting ready to clean out and I had to run him off with a pitch fork! I've noticed that porcupines have also moved into the area that I live and hunt, which may result in the fishers moving down here as well.
Anyway, I'm rambling. Here's a video of the fisher I saw while turkey hunting. He appeared to be at least 36 inches long.
I apologize for the vertical video, I was excited at the time.