The last 2 days the deer weren't moving at all . Every night when I got up to take a leak poutside the traler I would see deer in the field but on the last 2 nights nothing . Second to last day I stayed out all day as the weather was a little warmer and my time was running out . Saw nothing from daylight till about 20 minutes before quiting time when a big bodied deer with a small rack came by my stand at the edge of the bedding area . I had made a mock scrape and when he came to it he stopped for a moment . He was about 15 yartds out and even though I raised my bow I knew I was going to let him pass . People say I'll regret not shooting when the hunt is over and you come home empty , heck no , I regretted not shooting him as soon as he was out of sight . Just kidding . I had seen a few bruiers earlier in the week and couldn't bring myself to settle . Last day at dawn I seen the silohettes of 2 deer out in the field . AS they skyline I see 1 has horns . What have I got to loose , I grunt . The buck stops and looks my way for a minute then starts following the other deer . He is about 80 yards out and I give a few tending grunts . He slowly walks over to the field edge and jumps the fence and starts down the edge of the ravine to my stand . He comes down the trail the other buck went out on and comes to about 15-20 yards and stops , its light enough now to see he is not very big and is missing his right antler . I watch him as he turns and slowly walks along the trail to the bedding area . The rest of the day saw no activity . I think I caught the end of the rut as the bucks I saw were chasing small does or else walking along slowly with their tongues hanging out and panting like dogs . I think the mature does were already bred and the bucks were tired . During the week I had tried rattling , grunting and doe bleats occasionally with no results . It has been 4 years since I was there last and Lord willing it won't take that long before I get back again .
I can't thank the Shue Family enough , they made me feel like an old friend . As I said before the kids are the big winners from these hunts but I had a grand time also . I can only hope that the Shue Family continues to offer this hunt on the St. Jude's auction , its not going to go cheap , thats for sure . Fred