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Author Topic: Michigan deer season  (Read 4671 times)

Offline tradgreenhorn

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Michigan deer season
« on: November 24, 2013, 06:06:00 PM »
Anybody seeing any deer ? So far this season has been a bust for my hunting camp. Looks like tag soup is on the menue.   :dunno:

Offline T Folts

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #1 on: November 24, 2013, 06:09:00 PM »
I did all my hunting during the bow season, lots of deer seen. It was a good season for me.
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Offline JMR

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #2 on: November 24, 2013, 06:27:00 PM »
Lots of corn still standing in my area so sightings are few since gun opener.

Offline Jon Stewart

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #3 on: November 24, 2013, 06:58:00 PM »
I think the early September guns seasons have taken their toll on seeing deer the last two years.  Start throwing lead at deer in September and it doesn't take long for them to come off the fields early and come out late.  The last two years of deer hunting have been our worst.

Offline mparks

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #4 on: November 24, 2013, 07:50:00 PM »
I was very fortunate to fill both buck tags during bow season so I haven't hunting since Nov 10.

My friends and family have reported lower than normal sightings since then though.  Worst gun season ever for my group of family members in Mason county, public land.  Same thing from a friend hunting private land in Isabella.  I did see that opening day of gun season was great for our neighbors in Huron County though.

Offline Bobby Urban

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #5 on: November 24, 2013, 08:10:00 PM »
I saw 26 different bucks from the stand with many, many more on the trail cams along with countless does and fawns.  Shot three deer with the recurve and have packed it in until December.

Offline xtrema312

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #6 on: November 24, 2013, 08:33:00 PM »
Looks like Fowlerville is the hot spot.  

I found it slow, but hunt Friday's and Saturdays most weeks.  There were a lot of warm days, rain, and the wind those days.  The wind seamed to know everyday I could hunt and show up.  The rut was very slow with only a couple days that were decent the week I had off.  I saw mostly does and fawns.  Very few bucks.  Gun opener Friday - Monday when I was out was very slow by the sounds of it, but then the wind was very high most of the time those days.   I am hoping that with some decent weather, the hunting will be better over the holiday.  Moon time should be better then.  I don't think the gun hunting in my area was very heavy from what i could tell.  I didn't get out this weekend do to work and I didn't feel like being in the wind again Saturday.
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Offline Jack Rehacek

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2013, 09:30:00 PM »
The Western U.P has been very slow the deer numbers are down from last winter big time. We saw more wolf sign than ever before and even seen 2 one morning. In 10 days of hunting my group seen one legal buck a six point witch I shot. By my house in the lower near Wellston the deer numbers have also declining. Its been a slow season for sure. But the number of hunters around here has increased especially during bow season.

Offline agross1

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2013, 09:35:00 PM »
Originally posted by Jon Stewart:
I think the early September guns seasons have taken their toll on seeing deer the last two years.  Start throwing lead at deer in September and it doesn't take long for them to come off the fields early and come out late.  The last two years of deer hunting have been our worst.
X2.   Even on my cameras, most of the deer are just before light or after dark.   Seeing far fewer deer the last couple years.   The deer I do see are uncomfortable and in a hurry to get back to cover.
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Offline limbow

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2013, 10:08:00 PM »
Pretty slow here in Lenawee Co. Managed to take a doe at the request of the land owner but it seams like the over all population is down.

My place in Antrim Co. however has been very active. On Nov. 14th I had six different bucks in bow range, missed a dandy 8pt mid day. The memory will live on and hopefully that buck!
Kevin Osworth
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Offline Jack Rehacek

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #10 on: November 24, 2013, 10:09:00 PM »
How many hunts are there ? youth hunt (where an infant can pull the trigger and presto instant success) Then there are a couple more early gun seasons. Then bow season where it seems every one is using a crossbow. Then gun season again, followed by muzzle loader and bow. Now throw in thousands of doe permits , predators, poaching and car accidents. its amazing we still have any deer left.

Offline agross1

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #11 on: November 24, 2013, 10:21:00 PM »
Ehd as well.
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Offline Mike Vines

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #12 on: November 24, 2013, 10:29:00 PM »
You don't hear the insurance companies complaining anymore.
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Offline Mojostick

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #13 on: November 24, 2013, 10:50:00 PM »
About 50,000 doe and youth hunters hunt for a few days in the "early season". About 650,000 hunt in October and November, that's where the pressure comes from. More bowhunters hang stands and dump bait in September than actually deer hunt in September. That's the human pressure that tamps deer movement. Don't forget the new scent pressure of trail cams.

After lots of habitat work love and turning my entire property from diminishing deer sightings, open older growth forest  to dense young 2nd growth that deer now flock to, I passed 6 bucks on opening day of firearms season and my land is in one of the heaviest pressured parts of northern Michigan.

I shot a buck yesterday, while sitting with my 6 year old daughter. She was a super trooper with air temps at 17, a 20mph wind dumping 3" of snow and in a hilltop blind (windy) we call "Weatherby Ridge".

I think the biggest confusion for some is they haunt old hunting grounds and familiar stand sites of old memories, instead of either managing private grounds, moving sites or moving towards public lands recently disturbed via timbering. Deer require edge and new growth. Find it or create it. If not, you're not going to see deer like in the days of a Michigan herd of 2,000,000 deer when anyone with 5 acres of sand had deer all over the place as long as they dumped a bag of corn out. Even if you have 5-10 acres, improve it or lose it. If you have 20 or 40, you can do a lot more improvement that you think, by just a chainsaw and sapling plantings.

Deer hunting is a lot like trout fishing. The river changes every year. One has options, they can fish a hole that trout no longer frequent due to habitat changes, they can move to another hole or they can improve the habitat of the stream.

I know the owner of a local auto repair shop. Deer/auto accidents are still very frequent. There is no conspiracy. The deer just moved from where many are used to sitting. While some area's have declines in accidents, there were still roughly 45,000-60,000 claimed deer auto accidents last year. And that's just the accidents that cause enough damage to make a claim.

A common fault is, if one hunts now fairly open, mature woods with a mix of mature hardwoods and little understory that held lots of deer 20 years ago, they're missing the point that the deer have moved to "younger" forest habitat that looks like those woods did 20 years ago.

It's kinda like going to Detroit and looking for a $25 an hour job. While they can still exist, they aren't due to turning a bolt, they exist by creating a web page or reading a CAT scan. Things and times always change. There's lots of great hunting in Michigan and it's only going to get better. The key is to understand what changes need to be made take advantage of that great hunting. If one isn't willing to make adjustments, the future may not be as bright.

Offline ChuckC

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #14 on: November 24, 2013, 11:37:00 PM »
I have a small property just outside of Ford River (Escanaba) in the UP. I have been slowly improving the property for deer and watching via trail cameras for the last three years and only actually started bowhunting it the last two seasons.  I have not dropped the string yet.  

Last year, I saw lots of smaller bucks with one big one lurking.  This year, three cameras yielded zero big bucks and only one that I would call a shooter, with two spikers hanging out.

Not sure what happened.

I have seen a bunch of coyote pix that I didn't get in the past.  Also a big bear. No wolves yet.


Offline Jon Stewart

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #15 on: November 25, 2013, 09:59:00 AM »
mojostick.  I have been doing just what you suggested. I have 35 acres between the farms and the swamp.  I had 42 semi's of pine trees chipped out of my land, pulled the stumps and planted various food plots on two 3 acre fields within my pine plantation.  My corner touches federal land and the land owner next to and behind me never hunting once in bow season. BUT they did hunt in the early youth/mentoring season and shot a couple of bucks.

At some point we are going to have more gun hunters in the woods with muzzle loading season and late doe season.

$ have fogged the minds of those in charge and they need to get back to the basics with hunting seasons.  They started an antler restriction in my area, Mason County.  Thats just find but a few days before the youth/mentoring season they verbally lifted it for that weekend for the kids.  You either need an antler restriction or you don't.

IMHO bow hunting in Michigan is on the way to disaster and the crossbow/gun hunters are very happy about it.  They have been trying to dip into our long bow season for a long time and slowly but surely they are nipping away at it.

Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #16 on: November 25, 2013, 11:44:00 AM »
no doubt michigan is a tough place to hunt sometimes. And crossbow hunters (as a sterio type) are becoming my most hated species of hunter.
But as Mojo said times change and we need to adapt to stay ahead of the game.
 From what i hear from many michigan hunters is this is the wrost year they have seen. Even though i have seen less bucks this yar than most my freezer is filling and im seeing a bunch of deer. Hopefully the late season will be a nice quite peaceful time to be in the woods without the pressure from all the dingdongs.I got one tage left in my pocket!

Offline Vesty

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #17 on: November 25, 2013, 11:56:00 AM »
My hunting property in Van Buren county was hammered by EHD last year. Fortunately, a fair number of deer must have either survived or relocated from a nearby area that was not affected by the disease. My son and I each took nice bucks in October and I have 6 different bucks on my trail cam. This is on 30 acres. Our problem in October was seeing does! If you can call that a problem. I also hunting the U.P. in November and the numbers up there were significantly lower than previous years. I only saw one deer but it was a beauty. I took him to the taxidermist today. I'm thankful. This was my best year ever.

Offline Vesty

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #18 on: November 25, 2013, 11:58:00 AM »
Make that"I also hunted the U.P." I'm a grammar freak.

Offline Mourning Wood

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Re: Michigan deer season
« Reply #19 on: November 25, 2013, 12:47:00 PM »
Hello my fellow Michiganders!! I have been without for a long time in my little shangrila I call home in Onsted Michigan!! Sadly I have a very small area I hunt and it was invaded this year by the land owner checking for oil or mineral rights. I had four wheelers running about checking their gadgets and changing batteries throughout the property. There was a good amount of standing corn on some of the neighboring properties also. I was seeing some activity earlier but when the four wheelers moved and ran through the scrapes I was seeing the buck activity screached to a halt. I need to get pretty fotunate or it will be another tag soup year for me. I hope all you guys are warm and safe while I get prepared to freeze.  Hunting after the guns have pounded the herd around here is tough duty. I figure my luck goes with the territory,being a Wolverine fan and a Lion fan I get used to plenty of let downs!!!ED
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