Wednesday last my wife and I had dinner at the Chinese restaurant in our little town (we only have 4 total eating spots so we rotate). My wife is a good sport, knows how much all of this means to me, and knows this year has been a struggle. First, the elk hunt of my dreams. Seven years to draw and a herd bull that still keeps me up at night that took an arrow to the shoulder. I lost that bull, and although he was back with his cows the next day limping I chose to notch my tag and go home. Not as a defeated hunter but it was my last day and all I could do is glass him in the spotting scope and think what could have been. Since that time I have struggled. My shooting digressed, I missed a whopper of a 4 year old buck and have had 7 different bucks that I wanted to kill in range only to be snakebit by laziness (not trimming a better lane), unwilling angles, and bad shooting on the one. So this Wednesday when the fortune cookies came my wife giggled and slid hers my way. She said "Here, I got yours. Kill a big buck already and quit whining!" We are people of faith. I pray, I believe. But when I looked at it I just laughed but kept that darn thing!
*Yep still got it!
So Thursday morning rolled around and I was beat up by whitetails. I went to my favorite turkey spot and just hunted fall birds. I nearly got it done too with my ghilli! I made it home for the family dinner: nieces, nephews, great food! It was awesome. At 2ish I give my wife "the look". You know it fellas, the look of willing obedience. The I will stay if you want but I really want to hunt look. No surprise, my wife grinned and I was outa there!
In the tree by 3 and buckled up with my favorite (and only) recurve. I had been hunting with my Talltines longbow, my bombproof hunt everything piece. Today I was feeling the old Bear 66 Kodiak I got from 1/4 Away from here. It is just a sweet shooting old bow:
*Lookin Purty
At 315 I heard footsteps. Our rut is winding down but we have a few cruisers. A not yet buck stops perfect. The 66 and I just watch:
*How bout this shot fellas?
As he leaves I look to the heavens and thank the Lord for that. I needed that. Seeing a buck on his feet in a set I just hung the week before makes me feel like I already succeeded. I like it when they do what they are supposed to do. That means this will be a keeper set. Hey you know it is early. I still have time for a big one to roll in. What is that, another buck, slight limp but on the trail this set is targeting. Yep, grab the bow. I like this one...