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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Any interest in a central PA late-season pheasant hunt? UPDATE PAGE 6 - cancelled  (Read 5322 times)

Offline jebeckjr

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I had an idea (I know, I know - dangerous territory!).  I'm always trying to balance bow hunting with my other hobby of upland bird hunting.  Now that my dogs are older, it's getting easier, but I still enjoy training my dogs and watching them slam into a point.  For fun, I put the shotgun away and took the recurve out for a walk on state land with stocked birds.  I had no luck, but a few close calls and it was a blast!

So I got to thinking...:  my hunting camp in central PA (Rebersburg) is also a private registered shooting preserve, meaning we are allowed to release pheasants on our property for hunting through the end of March, including Sundays.  I thought I would throw it out to the Trad Gang membership to see if anyone would be interested in getting together for a pheasant hunt with our traditional equipment during the late season (Feb or March)?  We could work it out where I could accommodate groups of 4 rotating through the fields.  For those not hunting, they could sit inside the camp by the fire and stay warm.  There is also room for anyone needing to stay overnight to do so to make traveling easier.

I'm just brainstorming ideas and don't know if anyone would even be interested, but it could be fun!  Let me know if you're interested, and if we have enough interest, we'll pick a date and start with the planning.

*****UPDATE ON PAGE 6 - PLEASE READ!! ******
>>>----TGMM Family of the Bow----->

Offline Izzy

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Great offer.

Offline Big Ed

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Count me in,as long as the dates don't fall on the Bunny Hunt. I may be able to get a couple more if needed. Great offer very much appreciated, Thank you very much,
 Big Ed
"Get kids involved in the outdoors"

Offline Zbone

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Am interested, but were we get'n the birds?

As for dates, I like the first week of March, better chance of missing a February blizzard and then after that around mid March roster birds don't like or want to fly because of their swelling nads at that time of year. (true statement, been there seen that) There is still one roster I should have blasted on the ground that outrun me at full speed that still never did fly during mid or late March. Don't remember the exact date, but if had a do-over, I'd of dusted him on the ground...     :)

Offline jebeckjr

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Sounds like some interest is there.  Great!  One of the club members has a bird farm.  We can order directly from him and the birds will be delivered to the club for us to stock in the fields.  I can get a price from him for February, but figure about $12-13 a bird (possibly less).
>>>----TGMM Family of the Bow----->

Offline Sarah

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Absolutely! Count me in!

Offline Mamba

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I am interested , but like big Ed said we will be at the bunny hunt in February.
peter Osimanti

Offline jebeckjr

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I'm tentatively planning on doing the bunny hunt (for the first time) also, so we'll definitely avoid that weekend.
>>>----TGMM Family of the Bow----->

Offline grouse11

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I could be interested, I'm going to school at Penn State and could do a saturday or sunday. Short drive from campus

Offline Mamba

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I just talked to homer, he is in pa with family hunting and he said he is also interested .
peter Osimanti

Offline kwc

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im in with peter and homer

Offline jebeckjr

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So does Saturday or Sunday work best for everyone?  I'm looking at 3/1 or 3/8 if we go for a Saturday.  Any preferences?

By the way, do any of you guys also have bird dogs?  I forgot to mention that you are welcome to bring them.  I'll have my GSP with me, and it would be cool to have some other dogs as well.
>>>----TGMM Family of the Bow----->

Offline stumpsniper

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I'd be interested and I'm sure I could talk dad into a day trip to scare some pheasants!    :bigsmyl:
Semper Fidelis

Offline Keith Zimmerman

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Sounds like fun.  I work Saturdays, though.

Offline Sarah

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Saturday or Sunday would be great for me.

Offline NittanyRider

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Either day would work for me, too, so please add my name to the list.

Thanks for putting this together!


p.s. curious about the bunny hunt... when and where is it?

Offline mahantango

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My son and I would be interested for sure. At this point either day would work. Keep us posted.
We are all here because we are not all there.

Offline Zbone

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March 8th, sounds good with me...

Offline jebeckjr

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Ok, I am going to reserve the club for Saturday March 8th.  For the people interested in going, does anyone need to arrive Friday evening?   We won't start until about 9:30-10:00 on Saturday morning I figure, just to give things a chance to warm up, have the birds delivered, etc.  We can fit about 6 people overnight, if anyone is coming from further away.  I live in Philadelphia, so I like to arrive Friday and save the 3.5 hour drive.
>>>----TGMM Family of the Bow----->

Offline Big Ed

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I'm in!!
"Get kids involved in the outdoors"

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