Have issues downloading pics here at office, so will get some more pictures of this beauty up when I get home this afternoon!
Went home yesterday at lunch to package up a couple items that I had sold on TG Classifieds. Weather was the best its been in awhile - mid 40's and sunny.
I assembled the Sasquatch SS, and as I was awaiting a response from Kirk himself on recommended brace heights, strung her up and braced it to 7 3/4". Kurt had provided one string (a 12 strand that he states he was getting better performance out of) with two cat whiskers and an adjustable string nock that I twisted up to what I typically shot on my Centaur.
I grabbed 4 of my typical hunting arrows for my R/D and recurves, 400 VAP's cut to 30.25", internally footed with 300 grains up front (595 total arrow weight), and headed out to the back yard.
This bow (58", 57# at 28" - I draw a tad over 29") is SMOOTH!
No hand shock and super quiet at the 7 3/4" brace height.
The grip - well, how do I put this - was as close to perfection as I have found! Kirk matched my hand dimensions to a T
Now to provide my rudimentary basis of comparison, my deer 3-D target, with the occasional exception of those spots that have been hit continuously, will typical stop this same arrow set up (over 25% FOC) right at the fletching with my triple carbon Centaur Dark Matter (chronied at 185 fps by Rick Welch with this arrow set-up).
At approximately 18 yards, I let loose my first arrow to see it hit
1) exactly where I was looking, and 2) disappear completely from sight! I moved back a step at a time with the balance 3 arrows. All were hitting in the heart/lung area of the deer target, but none of then were visible from my side of the 3-d target. What beautiful arrow flight - I could briefly see the spiral of the florescent lime fletchings as the arrows zipped towards the target!
Upon walking up to my target, I saw that all 4 arrows had blown completely thru the target and where sticking in the dirt on the other side!
Moving out to 25 - 28 yards, I mentally adjusted for any drop due to the extended distance, to only have the arrows hit 4-6 high - in other words, minimal noticeable drop at this distance!
Now I knew why Kurt had added the inscription "Shoot Low, Brother!" on the riser! This bow can shoot (Kirk was getting 199 fps with a 10 gpi set-up). WOW!
I got an email response from Kirk early yesterday evening suggesting a brace height range of 7 - 7 1/2" as well as some string position suggestions for the two cat whiskers that he provided with the string. If it shoots any better and quieter at a lower brace height than it did at the 7 3/4" that I started off with, then I will be doubly impressed!
Granted - I have only shot around 20 arrows through this SS, but I am super impressed. Great looks and performance as well! This one's a keeper!
More pics as soon as I can get them uploaded!