Well, general season has finished here in MT on the heels of one of the prettier bow seasons as well. I bought a new camera this year, and took a lot of pics learning to use the thing. I've chosen a few and strung them together in an essay of sorts to highlight and illustrate our season.
A couple things...I know we live in beautiful country - that's why I share these with you guys - not so much to "show-off" our success. Just the same, we share our hunting with others...it's not exclusive properties.
You will recognize my son Kory, whom you've watched "grow up" here on tradgang....he took three deer. His roommate Brian (we call him Cheese...don't know why) also killed two deer this year, one is in the pics. Both boys took deer with selfbows they built.
Another pic shows Tim Roberts of Farr West Leather sitting in his tripod watching antelope.
I also accounted for three deer myself, two with a selfbow and the last with a bamboo backed osage bow I made a few years back.
The antelope beat us this year. So did other critters. That's bowhunting. We didn't get after elk like we would like to...it happens. But there is plenty to see. I hope you enjoy the pics.
It starts in August...