I just bought the 4 disc set which supposedly contains most if not all of the videos Fred made. Just started viewing them. Good stuff and learn things I hadn't known before.
For example, the first disc shows the hunt in India in which he killed a tiger with his bow. Saw him shoot in the film, but couldn't see the arrow or impact, but it was a long shot.
Then, in an interview conducted in 1986 (probably some 30-40 years later, the one shown above) the main thrust of which was a discussion of the history of the bow, the interviewer asks Fred, "What's the best shot you ever made?" He responds with a running mule deer at 60 yards, but he also talks about the shot on the tiger.
For those who haven't viewed the video, Bear said it was beyond his range, but he didn't want it to go back into and perhaps injure or kill some of the drivers, so he attempted to shoot beyond it in the hope that the arrow striking on the far side of the cat would turn it back toward him. As luck would have it, the arrow dropped into the lungs and killed the cat. Probably one of the luckiest shots ever, but don't think Fred ever revealed this before the interview.
Good stuff indeed.