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Author Topic: Deer Meat  (Read 1004 times)

Offline JEFF B

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2007, 07:11:00 PM »
hell mine dont last long enough LOL!!!
'' sometimes i wake up Grumpy;
other times i let her sleep"


Offline PaulRoberts

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2007, 07:38:00 PM »
Venison differs from beef in two very important ways that will affect the outcome when cooked.

1. Trim out all fat or you may get a gamey flavor.
2. Venison is very very lean and will dry out when you cook it. Leave it rare! If there is no blood coming out of it as it comes out of the pan it will be dry by the time it hits the plate.

Don't be surprised, or disappointed if your family doesn't like it, especially if they aren't already adventurous eaters. The texture is very different from beef.

A very good book (worth finding):

"Dressing & Cooking Wild Game" from "The Hunting & Fishing Library". Cy De Cosse Corporation, Minnetonka MN

Offline Stu

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2007, 08:04:00 PM »
Lots of good advice here. I mainly:

*Gut it pronto and get it cool. Skin it soon if warm.
*I've washed some deer out while hanging, then pat dry with paper towels. Not really necessary, in my opinion, unless gut shot.
*I butcher my own about 1/2 the time. Bone it, cut off fat, double wrap (I use clear wrap + Zip Loc Freezer bags but butcher wrap is great, too, as are sealers).

My biggest A-#1 tip for most cuts (steaks, chops) to remove what some term "gaminess": soak the meat in cold water for at least an hour, then rinse and pat dry before cooking. This removes a ton of blood, that is what can give an acrid smell when it hits the hot fat in a pan. This is not necessary with big cuts that are slow cooked, like some roasts, but is a huge boost for the main cuts I eat. I grind almost none of my meat, as I like the steaks & chops & roasts too much to grind 'em up.

I have a bunch of recipes on a word doc I'll be glad to send you if you'd like. They are my own, simple stuff but good. PM me yer e-mail if you'd like.  

I have personally converted quite a few people to venison, had many guests for dinner and they love it. I've never had bad venison, from any buck, large or small, doe or whatever. I just recently converted a wife (not mine) as you describe: "hated venison" until I did a loin roast, marinated slighly, barbecued til rare and served sliced with sauteed sweet peppers over it. She cooked a similar meal for guests a week later, and will now keep her husbands venison. Success!!

It is truly one of our favorite meats. Enjoy!

Offline Allan Hundeby

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #23 on: September 12, 2007, 09:49:00 PM »
My 0.02:

Many factors come into play, but meat prep starts even before a shot is taken:

Acquiring a nice rack while getting premium meat is unlikely from the same animal - especialy without "aging" the meat.  A young, non-stressed, corn-fed doe probably offers the best tasting meat if you can't dry- or wet-age the carcass.  

Razor sharp broadheads and shot placement are paramount so that the deer expires quickly before the acids build up in the muscles from running.  Recover the deer as soon as you can.

For those of you that learn best from visual aids (like me),  this gutting video is helpful:   http://youtube.com/watch?v=ECdaKBbmGnU    (though I've never seen a milk-sac cut!)  The deboning video featuring these two guys is also very good; I'll try to find it.

With a lung-shot deer, you could raise the head uphill and use the blood to flush the lower parts (out the pelvis) instead of using water.  

Be extremely careful about not touching any of the scent glands while gutting/skinning, or getting ANY intestinal contents/fluids on the meat (including hitting only vital organs - not guts).  If you do, wash those parts well, or discard them.  

Remove the inside-loin chops ASAP, and bag them, as they are the best meat, and will dry out quickly.

Skin off will help in cooling, but also causes some drying if hung.  Fat on will cause gamey flavour, but definetely helps with retaining moisture if hung.  Unless you're hanging, remove any bits of fat (gamey taste - especially in rutting bucks).

Hanging a carcass head-up at first will drain blood the best, since most of your gutting-cuts are near the rear-half of the deer anyway.  Then hanging the carcass head-down will let gravity aid in skinning and deboning.  

John McCreary, that's a great idea to age meat in an old fridge.  

There's no question that aging meat will tenderize it.  It basically starts the process of tissue break-down... i.e. early stages of rotting to put it bluntly.  Dry-aging refers to hanging a carcass open to air in a clean environment with a stable temperature of ~1 degree to 7* Celsius.  Length of time varies according to who you ask: generally 2-7 days, but up to 28 days.  Wet-aging refers to vacuum-storing the cuts of meat in refridgeration before freezing.

Last year I converted my sister-in-law from a venison-hater to one who is addicted; she keeps asking me when I'm going to bring her some more to grill.  As far as the recipe side, since venison is so low in fat compared to beef, I prefer to marinate it in simply oil & vinegar.(you can even add marinade before you freeze the meat in zip-loc bags, so the meat will marinate as it thaws).  My favorite is - after marinating - to make a rub/paste of butter/oil + whatever your favorite spices are.  Montreal Steak Spice added liberally to a rub and massaged lightly into the meat will make almost ANY meat taste great.  Almost as good is to just olive-oil it before grilling with spices.

Remember, meat will continue to cook for a few minutes even after you remove it from the grill, so if you're not sure if you should take it off... it's probably ready.  I use the "poke" test - simply poking the meat on the grill with my finger to see how much "give" it has.  The more firm, the more cooked it is.
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Offline Full Quiver

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #24 on: September 12, 2007, 10:44:00 PM »
I skin & quarter them & put in the garage fridge till the knee joint(?) on the hind quarter bends easily. I think that is the point where rigormortis has gone through & is allowing the muscle tissue to loosen which is when I cut my steaks out. Also remove all fat & silver skin. We eat a lot of venison at our house & the only complaint about meat came from commercially proccessd deer.

Offline Stick'n'String

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #25 on: September 12, 2007, 11:24:00 PM »
The only system that has worked out for me was to find a GOOD processor who will hang the carcass for a few days and then do a quality job on my meat.  Ice the cavity down after field dressing and get it on its way.  It took me several trys to find one that did a good job.  My wife refused to eat burger until I found my latest guy, now we don't buy beef unless its for a nice fat ribeye.

Offline Bonebuster

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #26 on: September 13, 2007, 06:47:00 AM »
Personally I believe shot placement, and method of kill(arrow vs bullet) make a huge difference
in meat quality.

Get the meat cooled ASAP. Age it at least three days between 38 & 40 degrees if you can. I have found that a doe will always eat better than a buck. Especially during the rut. My wife can smell
the difference in the meat when it is being cooked. She is NEVER wrong.

If you do not have access to a walk in cooler then you must use ice and chest coolers to allow the meat to break down for a few days. This will improve the quality greatly. Also, if you process a deer yourself(highly recommended) you must remove ALL connective tissue and fat. This has all been said, but of all the tips given I believe this is most important. Good luck.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #27 on: September 13, 2007, 08:09:00 AM »

If that tip works in OH, I'd be tickled pink to finally pay you back for prior kindnesses!  :)  Obviously from my post, credit goes to a female officer in the MD DNR.  :)  

Other thing I forgot to mention about hanging to age or in fridge... learned from my 'boss' in MT.

Once you skin, use knife blade held perpidicular to meat to gently "scrape" off all hair, etc. Once the critter is cleaned good, extra fat cut away, blood shot meat trimmed out, take some Crisco (yep, Crisco) and with clean hands, rub it lightly over the entire carcass, inside body cavity and all.

This seals the meat with a light coating of vegetable shortening. Seals it so that the meat doesn't dry out and get that ugly 1/16" hard bit of meat that has to be cut off in processing or prior to cooking.  

Man, since learning that, aging has become my favorite way to improve venison table flavor.

Also, I learned from a biologist that deer fat will turn rancid in the freezer. Don't konw why, but that is why I trim all fat as do so many others above. That, and if you bone saw venison, the fat and the bone marrow (also stronger taste than beef) is smeared over the entire cut of meat and then remains on the cut in the freezer and kinda "marinates" it... Enter more strong flavor.

Read several times and confirmed with same biologist that once meat has been frozen, the enzyme that starts to break down the connective tissue in the cell walls, dies. After its frozen, there is no advantage to letting meat "age." FWIW.  While aging is kinda like letting it be "pre-digested" (my view) aging after freezing is truly just letting it start to rot.

While nobody's mentioned it, when introducing new folks to venison, one should remember that most domestic meat has no real flavor in the meat...which is why high priced cuts are marbled. The FAT is what gives domestic animals their flavor. Having lived on low cholesterol diets far too long, I can attest that lean domestic meat has little flavor. Venison actually HAS flavor and some find it strong...but the glands, whether it ran and was stressed, how it was handled and how quickly from time it is hit and hits the ground all are key in flavor. As is the animal's diet. Sage fed mulies and antelope are very different meat from those on irigated crop fields!

Lastly, I also learned that wild game has a different bacteria culture in it than does domestic meat. Not harmful bacteria..just different...and some folks will find they're a bit more "gassy" after consuming venison than other meats. The human body I'm told takes a bit of time to adjust to the different bio culture in venison/wild meat. I can't prove that... but I know the "results" speak (?) for themselves and for those I've fed venison who don't eat it regularly. When I eat it regularly, no problem. Just FYI...  :)
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Offline Ron LaClair

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2007, 05:08:00 PM »
After they die, hang em high,about a week or so

Then peel the hide and sliced and fried

it don't get no better you know.
If you like your gravy tough, butcher em real quick

Your steaks will be so hard to chew

you'll think you're eatin a stick.

  From the pole to the freezer. Like wine, it takes time.  


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Online Roger Norris

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2007, 05:56:00 PM »
If we get a little one, Ron and I just make a fire and eat it right there.
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Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #30 on: September 13, 2007, 06:07:00 PM »
I agree with Ron.  Most good beef is aged, and venison tastes better if you age it.  The aging process helps to break down the collagen.  I always let mine hang for at least a week.  Two weeks is better, at just above freezing.  I can tell venison that has not been aged because it is gamey tasting and tough.

Offline Ron LaClair

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #31 on: September 13, 2007, 06:32:00 PM »
If we get a little one, Ron and I just make a fire and eat it right there  
Don't eat it too fresh Roger. Years ago when I was young I knew some guys that cut and cooked real some fresh venison. It went through them like a dose of salts..   :eek: ...I...er... THEY'LL never do that again.

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Offline John3

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #32 on: September 13, 2007, 06:40:00 PM »
Deer meat is best enjoyed rare to medium rare. Since I only eat my meat when it is NOT moving I've had an issue cooking my deer.
We "age" deer for at least a week in a walkin cooler. Between 36 and 38 degree's seems to be the best. Other than that I always try to remove the "silver" membrane from the meat, esp. if I am grinding burger. Non aged meat has a metalic taste. I think some of the "gamey" taste is from not ageing the deer enough.

My 2 cents.

john III
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Offline John Nail

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #33 on: September 13, 2007, 06:44:00 PM »
When the earth's crust was still cooling, I was a hunting/fishing guide in Florida. The definition of hot weather. I have cooled many a fiesty little deer using a clean(new washed) horse trough. Put a couple feet of water in, several blocks of ice, and a gallon of vinegar. Cool the skinned deer carcase 24 hours, adding ice as necessary. Fish it out and cut it up. Fine eating.
If you have yours professionally done and it was an old, rutty buck, try soaking the steaks for 4 hour in buttermilk. I think you'll like what that does to it.
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Offline LoneWolf73

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #34 on: September 13, 2007, 08:52:00 PM »
Good info above: Stress cutting off the silver side and fat, trim up good. I am not the best butcher myself but do take alot of pride in cutting up my own deer. I like deboning the meat too, except the ribs of coarse. Make the best cuts you can do(on big chunks), alot of trimming, so you end up with nice "red" meat. Might mean ending up with small pieces that are great in Fajitas, stew, chili. Those are the best meals to break your family in on. Crock pot(slow cook) roasts are great too. By the time you have cooked that meat with carrots, potatoes, and onions, it is just like Roast Beef. When you get to Tenderloins
use this marinade below:
In container add:
½ cup zesty Italian salad dressing
**1 tablespoon of the following:
A1 steak sauce
Teriyaki sauce
Lea & Perrins sauce
Soy sauce
Worcestershire sauce
Lemon juice
Jalapeño juice
Pickle juice
**2 tablespoons of minced garlic could use powder

This will yield about 1 cup of liquid

Add the following DRY seasonings to taste; I use 3 to 4 shakes.
Onion powder
Onion salt
Cajun seasoning
Italian seasoning
Cayenne pepper   (Remember “your” taste)
1 cube chicken bullion

If want more “tang” add 1-2 tablespoons of any vinegar.

Stir with spoon or fork.
Marinate meat from a few minutes to over night.


Notes:  I believe the base of Italian dressing is the key to this marinade.  You can use fat free if needed.  You do not necessarily “need” all ingredients.  I have substituted Dale’s sauce in lieu of soy and Worcestershire. If you don’t want spicy take out Jalapeño juice and cayenne.  Taste before you add vinegar, you may like what you have already.  I use it for a little boost in tanginess. Lemon juice helps tenderize meat so use on tough cuts and marinate longer.  Have fun with this, add and delete, taste as you go, remember it is “your taste”.  I would definitely used the Italian dressing however as it is the secret to the marinade.
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Online Ray Lyon

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #35 on: September 13, 2007, 09:05:00 PM »
I think at least one of my deer is on the pole behind Ron. I like killing deer in November and early December in MI and letting them hang for 10-13 days. Usually there is just a hint of mold in the body cavity. Skin left on to keep meat from drying out and as small of a hole in the body cavity as possible for the same reason.  We rinse the body cavity with water at camp and usually it drip dries in the low humidity in a day or so.

The meat is always tender and flavorful.  If I didn't live and hunt in northern MI (or have access to a walkin cooler at a hunting buddies place, I'd probably be looking to use some of the other suggestions above, however, I've had nothing but excellent venison aging as I do and then boning everying thing out and leaving no fat on whatsoever.  

Cooking hot and fast is a must do rule.

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Offline Brian Gillispie

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #36 on: September 13, 2007, 09:08:00 PM »
Hey all,

I am delighted and overwhelmed by all the Great responses and discussion.  

New question:

What is an acceptable atmospheric temp to hang a deer at to age it in my back yard?

Brian Gillispie
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Offline LoneWolf73

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #37 on: September 13, 2007, 09:18:00 PM »
Below 40 degrees. Not in the sun. I cheat sometimes a little above 40 by placing bags of ice or frozen milk jugs in chest cavity. Not sure how far below freezing you can go and leave hanging? Don't worry about that in the South.
Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways-BOW in one hand-ARROWS in the other-Body thoroughly used up, totally worn out and screaming-WOO HOO! WHAT A RIDE!

Offline SOS

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #38 on: September 13, 2007, 09:37:00 PM »
Lots of good advice on meat care, so here is a sure fire recipe for the wife and young'uns.  I've taken this to covered dish suppers for a meat, but it always gets completely consumed as hors d'oerves.  My kids cut their teeth on this now they'd rather have loin than beef steak (yuck, too much fat in beef)

Venison McNuggets (this is what we called them when the kids were tots - Mustard fried venison for you big people)

Cut up meat in 1 inch cubes*
Stir in:
2 parts yellow mustard
1 part Cider Vinegar
Good bit (read "lots") of black pepper (not just a few dashes)
Add enough of this mixture to coat well - don't skimp, but it doesn't have to be dripping either.**

Tumble well in a flour/salt/pepper mixture***
Let it sit in the flour a few minutes to get a good coating.
Crank up the Fry Daddy on high and fry until a light brown - don't over cook.  
Tumble into a brown paper bag to drain
Eat while hot

*I usually use meat from the ham although loin is a real tender treat
**I often make a huge batch and stuff quart ziplock bags and freeze it in the marinade.  Quick meal to thaw, mix up well and flour.
***Another good trick is to use about 1/3 instant mashed potato flakes in the flour.  Makes a good, tasty crust.

Couple of tips, some others have said, for plain meat like steak or kabobs - DO NOT OVER COOK.  If you must eat beef well done, don't bother with grilled venison.  No more than medium, rare is the absolute best.  Some pink is a must.  Well done is okay for "moist cooking" like crock pot roast or stews, etc.

The thing that got my wife loving to cook with venison is to grind about half with NO fat in it.  For any recipe with browned meat (spaghetti, tacos, soup, etc), it is great.  Brown it and nothing to drain (keeps from clogging up the sink, too).  Simply brown and start adding ingredients.  I add about 15% beef fat for burgers.

We do not buy beef in this house.  On those cold December mornings, if the freezer isn't full, my wife will MAKE me go hunting.  Boy is she mean!  :thumbsup:

Offline NoCams

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Re: Deer Meat
« Reply #39 on: September 13, 2007, 09:57:00 PM »
Seems like I remember reading an article in Deer & Deer Hunting several years ago on this subject. They concluded that the best venison to be had was a 1.5 yr old doe aged 7-10 days hide on @ 35 degrees. I am blessed to have an excellent butcher who knows what he is doing and will let mine hang, hide on for 7 days before he cuts them up. He processes about 1000 deer a year. First time my wife was cooking one of the deer he cut up she called me to the kitchen, thought something major was wrong, but this is what she said, " This package of meat is only missing one thing, ....... A price tag and label !!!" His packaging job looks better than some store bought beef I have bought !

Our favorite recipes are Deer Marsala, Deer Tacos, and Shishkabob. Of course we also have the old standby, Deer Chili ! My kids will fight a chainsaw for the Deer Marsala. Just take tenderloin, pound with meat mallet till thinned, fry in olive oil after floured, then simmer for a few minutes in marsala cooking wine and mushrooms cooked in butter in another pan. Good stuff !!!

TGMM  Family of the Bow
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