Well, I have more pitiful news. I guess I could just type in here that I didn't see anything or maybe that I missed, but I fear that a lie would cause the hunting gods to frown upon my future opportunities.
Here goes: Stopped at the feed store on the way to the lease to buy another barrel of peanut butter and was informed that a durned Yankey from Ohio came down and bought all they had left! He got like 10-15 barrels...sooo I just picked up some more corn for making shine and went on my way to the lease.
At the Magnolia stand, I found that the pigs had been there around noon and also various other times during the 3 previous days. Mostly practice pigs, but also a couple of fatties. Through out a gallon of big jims corn moon shine and went on.
I really wanted to hunt stand #2 (that's where the pics posted here have come from). Several big fatties coming in from time to time. Upon checking the camera there, I found that pigs had been there three different times from 7:30 to 11:30 pm the previous two days. I threw out my "shine" at the feeder and clibed the tree. Now the tree I'm in at #2 is considerably bigger thant that of the catapult but heavy winds had me whipping around just the same. At 7:10 pm, the ground came alive with about 6-8 sizeable shadows and with the tell tale sound of grunting pigs I new it was about to begin. Most of them came in to the feeder and nobody noticed me turning up the light. Since they were calm, I just took a deep breath and waited for a good shot. A couple of times I drew but let down as they turned on me. Finally, I let loose and at the hit, they all scattered but the pig I shot. He actually turned around and came back in. I nocked another arrow and waited. He actually went back for a bit of shine and when he did, I drilled him again. Upon the second hit, he went to squealing and cork screwing tword me and then around my tree making a circle around me. I thought I heard him expire. Seconds later I thought I heard him trip and stumble forward. After about 45 minutes I got down..left my bow in the tree and went looking for sign. There were no arrows in the dirt (didn't miss with either). There was no blood anywhere either so I followed the trail I knew he too when spinning out of control. That is where I found my broken arrow (second shot) covered with blood and gut. I continued following the path he took but never found blood. Feelikng concerned, I headed back too my stand when I saw him/her. It was standing there in the trees rocking back and forth with his back to me showing no concern that I was trapsing around and shining a bright light on him. I snuck back and got my bow sure that I could get another shot just to put him out of his misery. When I found the pig again, it was laying down so I snuck in and hit the green light on my bow but the pig stood up and just sort of walked off not offering me a shot. I followed and got within 15 yards and MISSED! He just trotted a little and ducked in the bush so I backed off and got back in my stand. At 11:00, preacher and I went looking for him and ran into a couple of yote's. An extensive search last night and again this morning not only did not turn up a pig, but no sign other than on e broken arrow. The pig was about the size of the closest pig on my most recent pictures page 6 8:pm picture.