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Author Topic: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter  (Read 13818 times)

Offline Stone Knife

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #140 on: February 03, 2014, 12:16:00 PM »
Proverbs 12:27
The lazy do not roast any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.

John 14:6

Offline kibok&ko

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #141 on: February 03, 2014, 12:34:00 PM »
Originally posted by Stone Knife:
How do you say oink oink in french     :bigsmyl:  
in french you said "gruiiiik gruik"

Congrats to you FM and BJ !

magnifique bien joué !
save a cow eat a vegetarian !

Online rastaman

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #142 on: February 03, 2014, 02:03:00 PM »
:thumbsup:     :thumbsup:
TGMM Family of the Bow


Randy Keene
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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #143 on: February 03, 2014, 11:13:00 PM »
Aww man im jealous as all hell!!  Damn wedding keeping me outta all this peanut butter and pigs blood!!
Good luck brothers!  Drew is a pig slayer if there ever was one, no wondering on how this is gonna end. Congratulations Manny!!!!    :clapper:    
Miss u all, cant wait to see this all play out. Thanks for keeping us updated and congratulations and thank you to Jim for giving these scruffy nerf herders a temporary home  ;)
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life." RLS

Offline BigJim

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #144 on: February 04, 2014, 08:41:00 AM »
As I sit here typing this, trying to keep my head up due to fatigue, I must say last night was very interesting...to say the least.
Wind was not exactly right, but these pigs will come in from any direction almost with no rhyme or reason so to say "I can't sit here cause the wind is wrong" is only a half truth.

Last night the betraying wind was so calm and our sites so sheltered that you have a tendency of a clouding and emanating effect. Ones scent just kind of settles around the ground and spreads out.

Everyone heard pigs last night, and preacher even encountered some tiny little baconettes while entering the Magnolia (common). But no one else but me laid eyes on the first porker bigger than a sandwich.

I put Manny on the catapult stand (his favorite) and made my way to the Hero stand. As I normally do, I checked the camera before sitting down...another malfunctioning device! There were only 3 pictures on the camera since I shot my pig three days earlier and they were all of me yet there was not a kernel of corn to be found anywhere (*no, I didn't eat the corn).

AS soon as I sat down in my stand, I began to hearing squealing in the not so distant area. Within ten minutes, two practice pigs entered to might right...they were on the menu...until mommy showed seconds later. She was a very nice black gal and similar in size to the sow I s hot Saturday night. Unfortunately my scent betrayed me and they were gone. Five minutes later, about 10 - 40 lbers come storming in from the same direction. Six went against their better judgement and came all the way in to the moonshine corn, 4 skidaddled. When I determined there was no larger pigs coming I readied myself for a shot. I thought I might line two up and skewer me a pair but my angle was steep and I saw no opportunity for such foolishness. Seconds later the arrow was off and so were all the little porkers unscathed ....but maybe a little wiser.

I settled back in thinking it might be over for the evening but not so. Within minutes I began to hear pigs in another direction withing 200 yards or so. They would get closer and then meander away. The whole time, they were making enough noise to wake the dead. There must have been a disagreement among them too as I have never heard such aggression. I could tell they were big and that it seemed as though they were knocking each other around...Hard! At dark, they set there sights on the feeder and came in fast and furious. They were so loud I couldn't hear my heart thumping. Their exhaling or blowing was as loud as there grunting. I was sure there must have been clouds of flying leaves and dirt surrounding them. ....and then silence... It seemed to be about 6 or eight of them, but I could hear them thinking at only 15-20 yards...what's that I smell? And with that, they were off. Even in there quiet retreat, I could almost feel their weight through the ground and up the tree I was in. Though my encounters were over for an evening, I was still reeling with excitement. I had just experienced the most intense moment of my hogging career even with no visual! I replayed every moment for my friends when we met.

Hopefully Drew will get to experience that tonight as I plan on putting him in the "Hero" stand. Until next time, BigJim
I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Online Alexander Traditional

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #145 on: February 04, 2014, 08:47:00 AM »
Sounds like a ton of fun! Glad you guys are having so much fun and excitement!

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #146 on: February 04, 2014, 07:56:00 PM »
Good Luck Drew.

Jim that sounds like an absolute awesome encounter!


Tell those two Yahoo's I will have snow waiting for their return to the hot and sunny North Pole.

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #147 on: February 04, 2014, 09:09:00 PM »
Great story telling Big Jim err....except for that... fancy pig latin from time to time, maybe you and preacher can share more Sundays together   :goldtooth:
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Offline Frenchymanny

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #148 on: February 05, 2014, 08:23:00 AM »
Another amazing hunt...
Story and pictures soon!

Coureur des Bois
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Offline BigJim

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #149 on: February 05, 2014, 08:58:00 AM »
Another interesting night that ended with the quartering of a nice practice pig taken by French Manny. His details of the event were a little fuzzy but I can only imagine that is from sleep deprivation also.
Seems as it was a fairly long shot like 70 or 80 yards... he says...and it is a good thing that the pigs umbilical cord hadn't been cut yet as it got hung up on one of the pine trees during it's retreat and slowed it down preventing a long blood trail... :)  I may have embellished some of the details myself.

I myself went the first night without an opportunity...allowing me to catch on my "in stand" sleep a little.

Drew is still struggling on the pig front but there is always today.

BigJim pics later..after coffee
I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Offline Dendy Cromer

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #150 on: February 05, 2014, 08:25:00 PM »
Glad ya'll are having a great time! Congratulations Manny..... Drew- I'm rooting for you!
Southern Zone Rep./Traditional Bowhunters of Georgia

Prov: 3, 5-6

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #151 on: February 05, 2014, 09:18:00 PM »
Great News Guys.

Drew, Stop slacking!  I know you are always one to put your Brothers first but its time to get a little selfish!!!

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

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Offline BigJim

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #152 on: February 06, 2014, 08:16:00 AM »
We are entering our final day of pig hunting. After Manny and Drew leave, my hunting will become very limited...even more so than it was before. It has all been much fun and have plans for improvements for next year.
Last night I encountered pigs at the feeder when I approached the Magnolia stand. There was only one practice pig in the group and the rest little pocket pigs. I slipped in closely for a shot and waited for a clear opening. Moments later the arrow was gone only to be deflected away harmlessly. After gathering my missed arrow, I climbed in to the stand and waited. Shortly after, the pocket pigs came back and obliterated my corn. I could hear what sounded like much bigger pigs only a few yards away, but they wouldn't show themselves.

A text from Drew informed me that pigs had narrowly passed by him but never came in for inspection. This happened a couple of times to him last night...he seems to have drawn the short straw for the week. About 8: pm I got a text from Manny that he had shot a fatty and would need help when i was ready. I had set manny on a stand that was relatively unused all season. There was no fancy baits there just corn and pig sign. Manny felt it would be a relaxing night but probably void of any pig encounters....just then while he was staring at the stars, he heard a freight train coming his way. About 9 pigs in various sizes bum rushed him and his feeder. He choose the biggest (I think he likes the smaller pigs better  :)  ) pig, clicked his bow light on and settled in for a shot. Just as he was releasing his arrow, he accidently clicked his light off and didn't see the arrow fly. He told me he heard a good thump though and Chops were on the menu. Unfortunately the only chops we would be offered smelled heavily of pine sap. Seems the heavy thump he heard was a solid broadside hit of a solid pine tree.

It has been a good week with Manny harvesting two pigs and missing one fatty and I harvested one fatty. Official score is 4 opportunities in five sittings for Manny, Preacher had two opportunity in two sittings, I had 3 opportunities in 5 sits and Drew has had one in five sittings.

With the last evening of our hunt nearly hear, there always exist s the possibility of a grand slam for the group. We will only know late tonight. BIgJim
I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #153 on: February 06, 2014, 09:06:00 AM »
I think Charlie captured most of our sentiments that know Drew. Never was there a more humble or giving person... so it's easy to have been pulling for him. As hard as he works and does for others, it'd be grand to see his ugly mug all grinned up over some big hog lying side ways.

But with what little I know of the man, he'll revel in the fortune of his bow mates and have still had a great time away from the pressures of daily life without a kill.

Still cheering for ole Drew!
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TGMM Family of the Bow

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #154 on: February 06, 2014, 10:11:00 AM »
Charlie and Doc have it!!
Come on Drew!!
"To be what we are, and to become what we are capable of becoming, is the only end of life." RLS

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #155 on: February 06, 2014, 06:05:00 PM »

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

PBS Associate Member
Wisconsin Traditional Archers

>~TGMM~> <~Family~Of~The~Bow~<

Offline bill langer

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #156 on: February 06, 2014, 07:19:00 PM »
This has been a great story Jim!
Can't wait to hear how you guys make out tonight....

Offline BigJim

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #157 on: February 07, 2014, 07:37:00 AM »
It is time for the pug hunters to take a sabbatical. we finnished last night tired but satisfied. The rain came in and signaled the end. No pigs were harmed or even encountered last night but that didn't seem to dampen spirits any.
Manny and Drew hit the long road home around 10:30 and signaled the beginning to next years adventure.

I still have a couple of barrels of swine moonshine left and may give it a go a couple more times this winter but for now, it's back to building bows.

Thank ya'll for your support...even you Frisky, BIgJim
I just try to live my life in a way that would have made my father proud.

Offline longrifle

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #158 on: February 07, 2014, 12:41:00 PM »
Come home safely Drew, those "wabbits " are waiting.
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Offline drewsbow

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Re: A story of Pigs and Peanut butter
« Reply #159 on: February 07, 2014, 05:48:00 PM »
well i saved ya'll the torture of seeing my ugly mug on here but man what a great time I had . I will post some pics and a story tommorrow after a good nights rest, Thanks sooo much to Jim and Barbra
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TGMM Family of the Bow
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