I'm sure pigs won't magically apear where they have never been....well probably not. But if they are near, they will be here.
Before I had ever set foot on this property of about 1200 acres, my friend "Preacher" had told me of pig rubs on trees nearly waist high. I called him out on that as he is about the same height as me. I asked him if it was alright for preachers to fib.
Then I saw it for myself. He invited me in for a morning hunt back in January. On the way to our scheduled meeting spot I was following a dirt road with some fresh tracks in the mud when I crossed a set of pig tracks that were absolutely amazing. The tracks were nearly as big as a softball. I was awe struck...or dumbstruck over there size. Later, we found some of the mud rubs Preacher had spoke of. I stood next to one and the top of the mud on the tree was 3"s below my belt and I am 6'3" barefoot or is it bear foot.
WE later god trail camera pictures off a feeder site of 12 pigs and not more than two were under 200lbs.
The neighboring farmer had a night hunting company (infared night scopes and gear) come in and in 2 months they took nearly 400 pigs yet we haven't seen any decline in there activity.
Gonna be a good winter!