Ok, going to give it a go again tonight if I can get out of here early enough.
I've got the reports ....well at least one.
Apparently pigs have been coming into the "catapult" stand. I named this stand catapult because when I get in it, it's like loading a catapult...small tree being ridden to the ground by a big fat b***ard. At least it gets me closer to the pigs
Anyway, as many as three separate groups of practice pigs coming in every day between 5:30 pm and 10:30 pm. Only one is over 175 lbs though.
I could go to any of several other stands (pictures unknown at this time) where the big fatties have been photographed in the past...along with good eatin practice pigs too. Only not as regular as the catapult.
Me thinks it's more fun to wait for big fatty's as they are more worth the work that follows in the wee hours of the day....or do I.....