My opinions only, of course.
A recurve can be about 2" shorter than a comparable longbow. For example a 62" recurve feels about the same to me as a 64" longbow.
A comparable recurve will shoot a faster arrow than a longbow, due to the energy stored in the recurved limbs. Although I like to shoot both, I find that a recurve is smoother to draw, as more of the energy is stored earlier in the draw. A longbow has a greater increase in draw weight per inch of draw at full draw than a recurve does, and to me this equates to a less smooth draw. OTOH, I find a recurve to be less forgiving of form errors than a longbow, probably because the effect of any torque is magnified in the recurved tips.
I am beginning to think that a reflex deflex longbow is the best compromise. The best ones have virtually no hand shock, like the best recurves. They are more forgiving than a recurve, and faster than a straight limbed longbow.