Be forewarned, these are just some random thoughts that are bouncing around in my head, and in most cases probably obvious to even the most casual observer. That being said...
I really like the look, feel and practicality of the short hybrid, reflex/deflex longbows. I've tried several different models from various makers, and for me, with my less-then-consistent shooting form, I can always shoot longer-limbed, less aggresive bows better. That is, until I tried one with a forward handle design. The forward handle, particularly one with a small throat, somewhat high-wrist (think Kanati), seems to compensate for some of my errors (I guess maybe that's what's meant by a "forgiving" bow). But there are limits, I've tried others that were of a radically aggressive reflex-deflex design, and forward handle or not, my shooting once again suffered. Again, these are just my observations, and I'm sure your mileage may vary.
May God Bless, Merry Christmas!