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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: 4 shots 4 misses!!  (Read 2220 times)

Offline Bobaru

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #20 on: December 26, 2013, 07:12:00 AM »
Keb, I've had the same problems.  A couple things - Tajue17 mentioned to practice without a "target."  He's right.  You'd be amazed how much your groups open up if you pick a spot on a blank target.  Second, my worst shots have happened when I'm off balance.  I had one shot where I'm sure I was so worked up that I didn't anchor at all.  In face, because I was turned, and off balance, and trying to get my bow limbs around tree limbs, that I now guess I was several inches away from my face - and shot to the side on a 5 yard shot.  Being calm, and going through a routine to make sure you're locked at anchor is the key.

 "A man has to control himself before he can control his bow." Jay Massey

Offline RedShaft

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #21 on: December 26, 2013, 08:31:00 AM »
Try hunting more small game. Makes you pic a spot, there still some pressure involved but will help you get on the right track
Rough Country.. The Hunters Choice

Offline bobman

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #22 on: December 26, 2013, 08:45:00 AM »
the only target I use is a McKenzie type deer target so every shot I take in practice is like the real thing

then it becomes a non thinking exercise and it just happens....I almost never miss deer although

I did shoot a huge buck in the antler once...guess where I was looking LOL

Offline olddogrib

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #23 on: December 26, 2013, 08:53:00 AM »
Man, this site does not have to be a confessional, unless you just need some closure, lol!  That's why there are excuses like string jumping, sun in eyes, deflection off unseen brush, etc.  Actually, I have felt your pain...very recently, perhaps...after a long,unbroken string of success...nah, this transparency thing isn't helping me!  At least you have made the correct diagnosis, so you're well on the way to recovery...the bad news is it can obviously recur without warning!
"Wakan Tanka
 Wakan Tanka
 Wichoni heh"

Offline ChuckC

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #24 on: December 26, 2013, 09:14:00 AM »
I also try to do the following... every time I see a critter, especially stuffed ones at the likes of Gander Mtn, Cabelas, Bass Pro etc, but even on living ones,  i pick a spot.  I pretend to go thru the shooting gyrations ( I don't fake a draw etc.. looks weird in public), but the staredown, the picking the spot and focusing on only that, the timing it for body movement, direction, front leg moving forward.  

Every time, every critter.  Especially the family cat.   :eek:    It gets to be normal stuff.

I believe, the reason most of us miss at game is because we don't pick a spot to aim, sometimes we forget to do a lot because we are excited.

Offline Sam McMichael

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #25 on: December 26, 2013, 10:37:00 AM »
Once you get more used to focusing on a single spot, you will be pleasantly surprised.

Offline gringol

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #26 on: December 26, 2013, 10:59:00 AM »
I love to Tony Romo analogy!  Keep after it.  Once it comes together you're going to bag a lot of critters.  Remember, you're better than Tony Romo.

Offline Keb

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #27 on: December 26, 2013, 11:35:00 AM »
I have a two anchor system, use the rich welch method, but I honestly can't  remember touching my nose to to the feather during any of these shots.

This is my second year trad, I killed on buck last year and missed a doe and buck last year. Last year I shot with a gap method.

I do know on the ground even in a ghillie I feel naked and rushed to shot.

I went thru this as a compound hunter trying to shoot spring gobblers off the ground with no blind, bet I missed the 1st dozen I shot at, then it clicked and killed about 15 long beaded with no blind and rarely missed one.

So I guess this is just part of the progression, I would much rather miss then wound theses animals. I think patience is the key I need. While it's no push over from a tree stand, it's much harder to pull it off from ground level.

I do find it easier to get setup and have better shot angles and more shots from the ground, I hot till January 15th here in Missouri. Headed out tonite and see what happens.

Offline Onehair

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #28 on: December 26, 2013, 12:36:00 PM »
Get used to it. I've been at this a long time, taken well over 100 animals and still have the wheels run off from time to time. I'm still looking for a right front from this past week.

Offline Flying Dogg

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #29 on: December 26, 2013, 01:09:00 PM »
Shooting 3D targets regularly is a very good way to practice picking a spot. I shoot 3D every week all year around and practice picking a spot and keeping focused on that spot behind the shoulder until the arrow hits the target. When a real deer comes by you will automatically pick that spot and focus on it before you raise your bow.

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #30 on: December 26, 2013, 03:37:00 PM »
I follow the Hitting Em Like Howard Hill from John Schulz. My point is a bit down from where
Charlie said, the angles and dangles work out a little longer for me.  I make certain that I am really borrrowing in on the last 6 inches of draw, I will see familiar gap and line up of the arrow for that shot and release hard. If I skip something, I can get a real embarassing clean miss. Clean misses are always somewhat of a relief, but like antler stew, they don't eat well.

Offline Joshua Grimshaw

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #31 on: December 26, 2013, 04:15:00 PM »
I had an older friend tell me that when they saw a deer bowhunting; he would say to himself "what do I have to do to kill this deer". Saying that would calm him down and get him to go through his shot sequence. I do it now and believe it works.

Offline Caughtandhobble

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #32 on: December 26, 2013, 04:21:00 PM »
Run a couple 40 yard dashes to simulate your heart rate then practice your shooting at home with your gillie suit on.

Offline shirikahn

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2013, 04:36:00 PM »
Just breathe!  you're getting them in close...you're getting shots off...you're not wounding critters.  you're doing good!  Relax, and it'll happen

Offline Keb

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #34 on: December 26, 2013, 08:10:00 PM »

Can u explain the tip on the feet thing?

Offline jonsimoneau

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #35 on: December 26, 2013, 11:23:00 PM »
It's all mental bud. Happens to us all. But the good news is you can stop it. Slow down and really pick a spot. You will be fine. If u can hit the target you can hit the deer. It's easier said than done, I know. But once you are able to really concentrate on the spot you will be good to go. Here is something that is kind of interesting. I have hunted in Africa 3 times. When hunting over there I am on fire as far as shooting. I thought about why that is so, and I'm convinced it is because when an animal comes to the water hole, you have a good amount of time and you know it. With deer you always have that voice in your head telling you "he's gonna get away! Shoot!"  Just take your time and you'll be fine.

Offline Keb

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #36 on: December 27, 2013, 10:14:00 AM »
Thanks for the words of encouragement, I just need to lock onto a spot before the animal gets in range.

Offline one more bow

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #37 on: December 27, 2013, 10:29:00 PM »
not to beat a dead horse, but pick a spot. I use to write I on my risers at the sight window. when I first started I missed the same doe four times, I could have shot again but I was out of arrows. lol Picking a spot works. an old friend once told me to put a small spot on a wall in your living room and try concentrating on it. once you get that first one under your belt, that helps a lot.

Offline arrowlauncherdj

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #38 on: December 28, 2013, 10:44:00 AM »
Man I feel your pain. I've been busted by a shooter buck, missed him as he dodged my shot 2 weeks later, had a doe duck on me and got a high meat only shot (she is back on my camera now with a scar bout mid back looking healthy), and just Friday I made a bad shot on a doe from a ground blind in the guts. The elevation on her shot was perfect but between me feeling my bow arm move a little and her slightly moving on the drop of the string... I got nuttn but guts. I feel like you that I just can't get it together. But I do have some relief that I'm getting closer to getting it done. I'm getting on them as are you, and that's what really matters, getting them in range at all.


Offline Keb

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Re: 4 shots 4 misses!!
« Reply #39 on: December 28, 2013, 08:30:00 PM »
So I took a big chunk of brown cardboard and put on my bad target and did the button method or drills were I visualized a red button on the spot I wanted to hit.

At 1st I started to shot at crease in the cardboard, I know why I was missing things my groups were horrible trying to do this.

I'm not sure how the button method will work in the heat of the moment. But towards the end of my session I was putting the arrow in the area surrounding my red button.

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