Ryan Rothhaar sent me a PM about serving. I have seen wear he posted how they do it before on another thread but I cannot find it. Here is what he said they have done for many years.
"We've always used the regular nylon serving - I don't know anything about newer materials. The idea is to use a double nocking point, we generally use the brass nock sets. Then starting 2-3 inches above the top one you serve down to it, then back up over that serving back to the starting point and serve the end under to give 3 layers with no start/stop against the nocking point. For the bottom, shooting split finger, I start 3-4 inches below the nocking point. I usually leave the brass nock sets on, but have removed them and served 2 string nocksets to replace them. For a tab I just cut one out of a piece of deer leather or similar thickness leather, the simple one you stick the middle finger through the hole to hold it on. You will build up pretty rough callouses over time, but I've been shooting this way for 35 years or so and have no nerve damage or anything. Shoot around 65 lbs normally, when I went up to mid 70's one time for a special hunt I needed the tab more, as I recall I even hunted with it then. I use a tab for carp shooting as my hand gets torn up more when it is wet, for sure.
The triple serve and double brass nock point costs 3-4 FPS vs a single brass nock point, for what that is worth, but shooting a tab vs bare finger probably costs that much, so probably a wash.
I like the feel of the string as well as having one less thing to think about. I have known guys to go home to get a glove/tab when finding out they forgot it when in the woods...I can't imagine that...!"
Hope that helps.