When I got married, my wife came with two wonderful kids, a girl and a boy. They lived with us from the age of 5 & 6 until they went grew up and went to college. Neither one of them showed much interest in archery growing up. Gave them opportunities, but it didn't excite them. Not wanting to be a step-dad that forced them to do my hobbies, I just shot when I could and never tried to make them feel bad about not joining in.
Fast forward to one year when the youngest (my stepson) was in college. I came home from work on a Friday afternoon to find him in the back yard with a bow shooting. He had somehow found an interest in archery and had been doing some reading/research. He said that after being in a large college town for a semester, that he needed to unwind and relax, so he was out shooing. Of course I had to go grab another bow and fling a few arrows with him.
His interest has been growing the last few years and he decided that he wanted a "bow made for him" this year. I introduced him to Mike Dunnaway of Wild Horse Creek Bows this summer and now my son in the proud owner of his first custom longbow.
Now a few weeks ago he starts asking about kids bows and such. He has 3 half brothers on his biological father's family. He bought them each a bow, arrows, tabs, etc. Now he is teaching them to shoot and having a blast.
Sometimes we don't think that the things we do are having an impact when they really do.