Anyone interested in buying or making a leather back quiver would do well to re-read two4hookings posts. I have talked with so many guys that have no use for backquivers because they never had a good one. They have had showy quivers, slender quivers, middle of the back quivers, soft leather quivers, animal hide quivers... but they never took time to understand how and why Howard Hill designed his quiver and why the descendants of that quiver work best for hunting.
There is no need to line a quiver with fur to keep the arrows quiet and keep them from falling out when bending over. And breaking in a leather quiver is the difference between happiness and disgust.
Plus, they aren't difficult to make. I have one made by Nate Steen and I shamelessly copied it to make one using leather I have had for years. There are plans on the internet from several sources including Hugh Rich that can get you on the right track.