I've been needing to get one more deer for the freezer so I thought I'd give it a try before the cold artic air moves in.
Yesterday evening I got situated in a tree and had a few does come through within 30 minutes. One looked perfect for my freezer. I was hunting with my 66" Hill that's 55@28. Sometimes a Hill bow just seems perfect for the job!
The doe was 15 yards, give or take, when I came to full draw. The arrow hit perfectly but only penetrated to within about 6" of the fletch.
I was using an ultra sharp Abowyer Wapiti and was very confident the deer was mine. However, I never heard her crash into the brush as I would expect with a hit like this one.
After a few minute wait I got down to take advantage of the remaining daylight. I should have waited as I find it easier to see blood at night with a good light. Anyway, I found very little blood so made a pass or two in the direction she had gone and had no luck.
Darkness fell and I picked up a very sparse blood trail and then lost it. I'd make a loop up ahead trying to pick it up and eventually would do just that. I used up a good bit of luck on this endeavor! Eventually the blood trail became easier to follow and I soon spied the deer up ahead. She had probably gone 80-90 yards through some fairly thick brush. I feel fortunate to have her in my cooler.