I made a quick decision on Saturday night to go hunting since our season ends the 5th so I quickly got dressed, grabbed my gun and went out the door. When I got to the end of the driveway I changed my mind so I turned around, drove back, put the gun away and grabbed my longbow :D .
The wind was decent for a spot I've been wanting to hunt for a while but conditions have never been right. I got in the tree and settled around 4:15 pm with the sun setting directly in my eyes. At 4:30 or so 3 does came in downwind of me and promptly left :rolleyes: . The woods stayed quiet for the next hour until about 5:40 when a line of deer started to head my way. Since I had a doe tag for my county so I planned on killing one should it give me a shot. It wasn't long before the lead doe came downhill of me at about 8 yards. I picked a spot, drew, and fired.
I wiffed...pretty bad. I know I hit her but it looked awful low from the tree. She took off like a scalded dog and stopped limping in a thicket about 50 yards away. I watched her until she got out of sight and climbed down to get my arrow. The shaft was broken an inch or two below the feathers with fat and a good bit of blood on one side of the shaft. That didn't make me feel good so I went home and left her till this morning.
Blood was non existent at the point of impact so I followed her scuff marks to the point I saw her last. From there I could see a good bit of blood so I went over to mark it. When I got to it I could see blood going through the thick stuff on the back side of the hill. Not 40 yards from first blood there she was on the hillside stiff as a board. My arrow hit her through the leg, into the bottom of the chest, and out the other side. I'm still not sure what I hit but she bled out and died fast so I cant complain. Still using my Zipper SXT 61@30 but I switched to GT trads with a zwicky 160 grain with a 50 grain insert. She makes my 3rd bow kill of the year and 5th bow kill overall.
Entry hole #1
Exit #1
Entry #2 and Exit #2
Some of the pictures are blurry. I don't have the steadiest hands and I didn't notice the one picture out of focus until it was too late.