Between Christams and New Years we continued hunting hard, sitting on average 6-8 hours a day and we started noticing that the deer seem to want to be high instead of in the bottoms. The acorns were all off the trees and all the ones we found were rotten inside. We are still not sure what the deer were keying on as a food source but there was some green grass scattered in the blue stem brown grass that had been clipped by deer.
I found Kansas, at least where we hunted to be a ground hunters dream. The terrain really limits where deer can move through cover and there was plenty of stuff to crawl into and hide.
When the open grass would meet the beginning of the creek draws you would have scattered Osage Trees and almost all of them had cedars growing at there base. The cedars would get a little thicker the further you moved downhill before ending in a wide open oak flat.
Here are some random pics of where we were and different set ups as well as views from where we were sitting.
Tim saw 3 coyotes cruise this bottom from this spot.