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Author Topic: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long  (Read 1915 times)

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2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« on: January 07, 2014, 10:31:00 PM »
For a few years I have thought about posting a summary of my deer season. I haven't done, but this year here we go!
My season didn't start well. On Aug 31 I crashed my 6 year old daughters bike, and badly broke my collar bone. Along with the broken bone, I also "jacked up" most of my right shoulder!
My doctor said it would be 3-4 months before I would be back to my "new normal". Being the optimist, I figured I would be able shoot my bow by mid Oct, or at least by first of Nov.
(As of today, I am still not shooting a bow, but things are getting better, and the doctor says all will be well. Just needs more time.)
I decided that I could not go through a whole fall without bowhunting. So, I did some online research, talk to some friends, and then with the help from our local archery shop. I was able to come up with a mouth tab for shooting a light weight longbow (generously loaned to me by Larry Hannify of AH bows, he is also my neighbor!).
Here is a short video of me shooting. First shot is a complete miss, the second back of the lungs, the third right through the target center of the lungs. Target was 12 yards away.
When opening day came around, I was still not ready for hunting. However, my 6yr old daughter said, "Dad, do you want me to fill the freezer this year"!!!! So I took her hunting!
My shooting improved, but my shot distance was extremely limited. 10 yards was my limit, I could stretch to 15. Not only that but I was still strapped in a arm immoblizer, so climbing into a treestand was out of the question. So I was going to have to become a ground hunter.
It's not easy to carry in; a pack, your bow, and hunting stool/seat with only one arm. I hunt a lot of river hills close to home, which are all clay, and very slippery. Climbing these is always tough, but this year even more so.
Here is a picture of me after a long hike in and up one of these "greasy clay hills". If you look you can see the brace around my waist and arm.

An evening in late Oct. I finally had my chance at a deer. I had a buck come by, he must have been 15-18 yards from me for at least 10 minutes. Offering many great shot opportunities, but at 18-20 yards, I couldn't take the shot, just too far.Finally he worked his way to 12 yards, I took the shot! Unfortunatley, my arrow was deflected by a branch. The arrow buried in a tree right in front of the buck. AAARRGGHHH!
Also in late Oct my 4 year old also wanted to help Dad fill the freezer:
As the season progressed, I did not get any other shot opportunities. However, I was seeing lots of deer, and many with in my normal bow range, but just too far for this year. I even had a nice 8pt one morning make a rub, 5 feet from me! His hair was all roughed up, and his right out gouged out, blood running down his face and neck. I assume from fighting all night. At one point he looked right at me and let out a low grunt. I thought he was going to charge me! After he rub the tree, he just continue on his way. It was a great experience for sure! This really made my season.
I have more to come, but it's time for bed....I will finish tomorrow

chris <><

Offline John146

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2014, 10:37:00 PM »
:campfire:    :clapper:    :clapper:
Todd Trahan
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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2014, 11:01:00 PM »
I know this is a long story but I admittedly like these... can we please hear more about crashing your 6 year olds bike? Or is that just mean? Idk...   :campfire:
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Offline Jayrod

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #3 on: January 08, 2014, 06:01:00 AM »
Great job way to stick with it and also taking the girls along that's more important than anything ..best of luck in 2014
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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #4 on: January 08, 2014, 06:08:00 AM »
Great (can do) attitude on the kids bike riding Chris, I personaly don't think it was that foolish to try it.   :saywhat:   Don't want to ruin the rest of your story but way to spit in the eye of adversity. Now if you could work on your deer driving skills, just kidding.

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #5 on: January 08, 2014, 06:59:00 AM »
Sorry to hear of the shoulder isses Chris. Great pictures of your girls.  Hope to see you at Kzoo
Compton Life Member

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2014, 07:26:00 AM »
Wow!  What a story!!

If your story ended right here it would be worth it but it sounds like the best is yet to come.

You can bet your booties I'll be here waiting for the latest installment.


PS: I loved seeing my handle show up in the picture with one of your daughters.
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Roy L "Mudd" Williams
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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2014, 05:08:00 PM »
I just finished up work, have dinner with the family then bible study tonight...so I will not get back to this to finish until tomorrow.
I will leave you with a few pix from the season:



DWT > I blame Outfitter Tom on the poor deer driving!!! I think we should revoke his "outfitter" status!! I am working on a new plan for next year!!

chris <><

Offline steadman

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2014, 06:07:00 PM »
Way to stick with it Chris! I think I'd do the same as you. I really like the video. If you get a chance will you show a close up of your mouth tab? Thanks!
" Just concentrate and don't freak out next time" my son Tyler(age 7) giving advise after watching me miss a big mulie.

Offline Steve O

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2014, 06:09:00 PM »
Chris--that is dedication!  It will all pay off.

Offline Aggie1993

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2014, 06:17:00 PM »
You're a warrior!
Phil 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

Kempf Trophy Hunter 58" 51@28
Kempf Kwyk Styk 58" 51@28
Kempf Kwyk Styk 58" 54@28
Kempf Trophy Hunter 58" 51@28

Offline Butchie

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #11 on: January 08, 2014, 07:37:00 PM »
Inspiring to say the least.

"Don't worry about the old blind mule, just keep a load in the wagon!"

Offline Josh Perdue

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #12 on: January 08, 2014, 07:45:00 PM »
That's awesome. Thanks for posting. What's your draw weight? Was just wondering how much a person can hold with just his teeth.

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #13 on: January 08, 2014, 09:11:00 PM »
The pictures of your kids are pricless as I am sure teh time spent with them.

Congrats so far, looking forward to the rest.

way to stick with it.

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #14 on: January 08, 2014, 10:24:00 PM »
Good stuff   :)      :thumbsup:
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Offline Danny Roberts

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #15 on: January 09, 2014, 07:12:00 AM »
Endeavor to persevere ! Way to stay after if. Looks like a great place to hunt. Your girls are beautiful and looks like they love spendin' time with ole dad.

Offline Danny Roberts

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #16 on: January 09, 2014, 07:16:00 AM »
Endeavor to persevere ! Way to stay after if. Looks like a great place to hunt. Your girls are beautiful and looks like they love spendin' time with ole dad.

Offline Big Ed

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #17 on: January 09, 2014, 08:01:00 PM »
Way to go, hard work pays !!
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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #18 on: January 09, 2014, 08:48:00 PM »
I will back up a little in the story! The piture below is of me on the "death machine"! this picture was taken apx 2 hours before "The Fall"!My family and I were camping with two other couples, and late in the evening I decided to watch a storm come onto Lake Michigan. After about 45 minutes of watching the dark clouds, and lightening (no rain) come onto the shore. I decided to ride the "death machine" back to camp (apx 200 yards). As I was pedalling along, I thought to myself, "I am really going fast"! Next thing I know I am over the handle bars, and onto the asphalt road. I ended up at the ER, then an hotel, the next day Labor Day, my wife had to pack up camp, and drive me 4 hours home.

chris <><

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Re: 2013 season summary..pic heavy and long
« Reply #19 on: January 09, 2014, 09:53:00 PM »
Here a link to some close up shots of my mouth setup:


Few more pix of the season:



I had taken the last two weeks of December off. Great time to spend with family, and deer hunt as much as possible. Here in Michigan we have had some serious snow and ice storms. It was beaufitul in the woods, but I could not get on a deer.
The day before Christmas I recieve a call from a farmer friend of mine to wish me a Merry Christmas.  Through our conversation, he invited me to come up to hunt his farm, b/c it was full of deer!
My first chance to get to the farm was the evening of the 27th.  My shouler was still pretty weak, but I managed to get apx 9' up the tree. This was the first time all season in a tree.
I was settled in around 3pm. I expected to see deer at any minute, b/c the sign was incredible.  The snow was upto my knees, and the deer trails were to the grass below!
However, I saw nothing, not even a bird!
I couldn't believe it!
Around 5:30 I caught movement to the north of me, a doe. She was a surprise b/c I expected deer to be south of me on a east/west trial. She milled around, eventually working around to the main trail on the south side of my stand. Three times I drew on her at 10 yards, and three times, I couldn't get a shot. Either a limb or she would turn. I was going crazy! Finally she presented a shot, I drew and shot!!! Well....in all the excitement, I never picked a spot and the arrow flew right in front of her.
I thought this was my last chance and I blew it! Kicking myself, all the while I was trying to stay positve, b/c I still had a few more days to hunt. I noticed more movement, here came another doe. It happened fast, she stood in almost the exact spot as the first doe. I got to full draw, picked my spot, and shot. Instantly I knew it was a good hit!!! I saw her run apx 50 yards, then I lost her..
I was so excited, I had to sit down, my whole body was shaking.
I got all my gear down the tree, packed up and I went to the place the deer was standing.
There was my arrow, with most of the shaft. Not alot of penetration and no blood on the shaft.
Upon impact she bounded, which was real easy to follow her bounds through the snow. Afer about 30 yards I found this:

Another 20 yards I found this:


Another 25-30 yards I saw this!
I have killed alot deer with my traditional bows, but the feling with this one was so different. I can't explain it! I just layed in the snow looking up at the stars saying THANKS!
Overwhelming feeling of gratitude is the best way to describe the feeling. I think this is the smallest deer I have killed, but I thinks it's the best I have ever killed!
Sorry the pix are not better. I forgot my camera. These pix were taken with my phone.
After some time of taking in the "moment", I called my wife and girls to tell them the story. Then I called my Dad, it was his 73 birthday and I had something to tell him!
Close up pic of the entrance:
I broke a rib going in, had no exit hole.
I was shooting a 200gr VPA, with a 100gr insert. Total arrow weight of 650gr.

chris <><

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