Look at my post about the Coues deer.
You are doing what, in my experience, has found javies; wearing out lots of boot leather. When I find them, it is in isolated areas that don't get much, if any, human traffic. Where I am, it is hilly to mountainous, with lots of washes, and I go to off the beaten path places, away from atv trails.
My understanding is that they get most of their moisture from prickly pear, and that does seem to be their food of choice. Where I find them, prickly pear has lots of signs of them feeding off the plants.
Look for tracks in washes, and then thoroughly scour the hillsides nearby. They are well camouflaged for their environment, and as I said on the other thread, I have tried to turn lots of barrel cactus into javelina.
You have no doubt noticed that the desert is a rocky, noisy place to walk, and while their eyesight isn't great, there is nothing wrong with their hearing or sense of smell, so hunt the wind and try to be as quiet as possible. The wind will sometimes give you a clue, too, as you can smell them from a good way off.
I hunted them in Texas, too, and they are, in my opinion, MUCH easier there than in Arizona. But hunting them in the Sonoran desert is really fun, and as stated, much different from other areas of the country. Enjoy!