I had been in the tree for about an hour when the first deer stepped out. She came out into the edge of the field about 60 yards away where they are so often seen. Then out came a second deer. When I first saw the deer, I positioned myself for a shot. Knowing that movement with deer close with little concealment would make for a short hunt. Standing to get a shot out of this tree is awkward. 30 minutes later, the two deer had moved about 10 yards and my legs were absolutely aching. They suddenly looked back into the bottom and 6 more does and little ones came out. Then 2 more. And then about a 120" 8 pt. Great! Way to many sets of eyes if they all arrived at the same time. Finally, a mature doe split off from the group and fed my direction. I tried as best as I could to keep my eyes on her as well as the others to my right. She stepped into my opening and I was able to get to full draw without hearing a snort. I focused low and tight as she was slightly quartering away. The shot looked good as she crashed away. I could see her stumbling at about 50 yards. She disappeared and then a loud crash. I'll admit that I didn't give it much time. I climbed down and went to where she was standing.