My PH had a leopard bait out, but he said something was on it but it wasn't a leopard. Did I want to sit at the bait one night and see what comes in? I said sure. A couple of hours after dark my PH said "get ready, I hear something on the bait" . He flips on the light and I see a Caracal cat(African lynx). A quick shot and he's in the bush. Leon(My PH) says" good shot!" My Rocky Mtn Recurve w/ Maddog limbs did the job.
One very lucky and happy guy!!!!!
The next night we were out again and we come across a porcupine. Boy, these run a lot faster than ours can! But it wasn't quite fast enough.They are a lot bigger too!!!
My Sierra Blanca caught him.
I took a few other interesting critters but they were not with a bow.