hello fellow bowman -- I have wool pants planned for fall 2014 - I have some photo's of the samples -- first, will be a nice olive green to match my jackets - they will have brown cargo pockets - brown knee pads, brown trim over the back pockets -- and a extra thick gusset for the crouch -- ( this is usually where pants wear out -- or get thin) also adjustable waist - for when you grow !!!

Lets say you are a 36 inch waist - when buttoned - when you use the other button - it becomes a 38- you always need more room for tucking in hevier clothing -- bigger is alwys better--
Price-- if you want the VERY VERY best --
Guys it all depends on how much wool I purchse - how many I sew - remember these pants have two colors - I like to do something different--
Weight is 20-21 ounce-- but they feel heavier -- I suggest suspenders -- !
I will post soon--
MY Best Rob T
www.classicsportsman.con or