Michigan, as a whole, will never match other states in antler size. The biggest reason is our poor sandy soils, statewide. We also have tougher winters.
However,, Michigan can produce very large bodied trophy deer, if they are allowed to reach maturity. A 120" class rack on a 200lb deer is a trophy is anyone's eyes.
With that said, soils aren't Michigan's main issue. Our problems are man made. Michigan typically/traditionally kills both more yearling bucks and a higher percentage of yearling bucks than any other state in the nation. That is due to several factors, two main ones being we open firearms season at peak rut and we have a tag system that allows anyone, anywhere to kill two bucks in any season.
Here's the numbers...
States With Highest % of Yearling Bucks Harvested
1. Michigan – 64%
2. New Jersey – 59%
3. New York – 55%
4. Maryland – 53%
5. Virginia – 49%
So, what the majority of Michigan hunters is looking for isn't trying to be like Ohio or Iowa, we'd like to be more like even Virginia, where there's a better chance of seeing a basket rack, 2 year old 100 class 8pt.
Take my property for example. I have 160 acres and my buddy has 40, but we're in the Big Rapids/Bitely/White Cloud triangle. While it's an agriculture area, it's mostly poor sands planted with field corn and hay for the local dairy farms. Anyone familiar with the area knows that hunting pressure is intense, where up to 80% of the harvest is yearling bucks some years.
This past year, I never set eyes on a 2 year old buck. That's this past YEAR, not season. I never saw a 2 year old buck driving around in summer, scouting, in the headlights, all the time hunting, nothing.
We still have lots of deer. I saw 6 yearling bucks on rifle opener, although 3 of those 6 never survived opening day, since I know my neighbors shot them from talking to them and I assume the others probably didn't survive the season either.
So, Michigan will never be like the low pressure states with great soil. But Michigan should at least be as good as Michigan can be. Our present deer hunting situation is man made, thru decades of squeezing the stone for another drop of blood. The DNR has bent to public pressure for decades and tried to keep hunters happy with quantity over quality and now we seem to have neither in many area's.
In a state with some 300,000 bow hunters and some 650,000 firearms hunters, where baiting is legal to boot, the days of allowing anyone and everyone to kill two bucks is so 1980's and 1990's.
Our problem is the DNR is funded thru license dollars, so the 2 buck limit is here to stay. Since the 2 buck limit is here to stay, the only way to lower yearling buck harvest is to set antler restrictions to try and protect 50% of yearlings.
What else is here to stay is that deer numbers will never again be allowed to explode like they did in the 1980's and 90's. If we're going to have less deer, then manage for quality instead of a small herd, still with only a few small, young bucks.
If people don't like APR's, the best bet is to change how DNR is funded. I suggest that ALL Michigan residents should pay for our natural resources. So, instead of license sales being the funding mechanism for MDNR, the setup should be that everyone who has a drivers license and license plate pay $5 to $10 for each one and all that money funds MDNR. That way, even if hunter numbers fall, and that appears inevitable, the state still has stable funds coming in to fund the DNR.