All bows are not created equally bro...You need to look carefully at the string angle of the design you are considering. For eample: I've got a Sasquatch 60" hybrid long bow that will draw clear out to 32" with no stacking or finger pinch issues.
But my D shaped Flatliner needs extra length to get the smoothness on the tail end. Typically a 62" or a 64" should draw 28" easily without any stacking or finger pinch issues. The 64" will just be smoother on the tail end of your draw.
Here is an example.... The first bow is a 64" Flatliner drawn to 31". The last inch of the draw on this 64" is only 2.8 pounds from 49# to 51.8#@ 31"
This second one here is a 60" Sasquatch hybrid drawn to 30"..... Note the string angle where your fingers are placed on the string.
Here is another example with some lines on it bro... Besides string angles, note the distance of travel of the limbs are bending at full draw...