Hey all,
First time poster here with a question. I recently started trying to put together a quiver kit I bought a while back and have been having an issue with it. Unfortunately the directions are pretty awful.."Lace this part first, then lace this part" with no further direction.
Anyhow...I got the main body seam (vertical) laced up just fine, but when I tried lacing on the bottom oval piece to the main body I got to a point where I had no more punches to thread on the oval piece and still several punches on the bottom on the body to thread, which of course means that I have a ton of material bunched up.
At this point i'm not sure if i'm doing this wrong or if the quiver bottom is simply too small for the body they sent me.
Wyantte leather is the company that made it, but I couldn't find a website or anything to try and find better directions or send them an email. I figure I might try here where there are plenty of peopl who have probably made their own quivers or have experience with a quiver kit.
If need be I can add some pictures for reference, but i figure maybe this was one of those "easy fix" rooky mistakes.