I may be way over thinking this or something. I kinda switch back and forth between a recurve and a longbow, woodies and aluminum arrows, i am pretty firm on my broadhead, which is a zwickey delta. I shoot a recurve more consistant and probably overall better than a longbow, due to mass weight and such, over all i feel the aluminum arrows are more consistant ( theres that word again)than my woodies. My total reason for shoting a bow is to bow hunt, although i enjoy archery in the off season, shooting a little 3-d and stumping, which is all for practice and to stay in shape for hunting... my issue is that i would love to be a traditional styled longbow and wood arrow guy, ive killed several deer and small game with this set up, but ive also made some less than perfect shots as well, my recurve and aluminums have a good record of really good shots on game with a very few that would be considered off the mark. this is maybe 100 deer and alot of pigs and small game in almost 40 years of bowhunting with trad gear. I have friends that say to put down the recurve totally and just shoot the longbow if thats what i want to use and it will come, I dont know about that, i feel we should hunt with what we shoot best, it would be unethical in my mind not to do so, or to risk a bad shot on a critter just because i want to shoot equipment that may not work as well for me as other would. I guess my question is how do you guys select your hunting gear ( target archery doesnt even come into this, other than practice) is it based on what you shoot best? or what you want to shoot?