I have never shot the silvertip longbow, but I am the new owner of a silvertip curve. I've always wanted one, but never came across the right deal. Mine is 60", #75@28", and has camo fast flight limbs. I'm not sure what string came on this bow from the p. o. But I gotta say I was very disappointed in how loud it was. This is my first recurve in a while, and I just assumed it was just loud by comparison to my longbows. I switched to longbows strictly due to how quiet they were over recurves.
So after a few weeks getting to know this bow, I decided to twist up a 16 strand B50. I added some big ol fur silencers and it was quieter, but I was still dissatisfied. Again I just assumed it was just the nature of a recurve to be inherently louder. Plus, I mean, there isn't anything out there that can be quieted down by a big ol fat Dacron string, right?
So last night I got a wild idea to try a skinny D97. I did some research and found that 12 strands is sufficient at this weight. I twisted one up and padded the loops with B50 to 18 strands in the loops, and added some simple yarn silencers at 9" from the top loop and 10" from the bottom loop.
I was completely blown away at the difference. The silvertip that was on the chopping block to be sold is now a different bow. It is easily as quiet as my longbows now. I'm still doing some experimenting with strand count, silencer material and location as well as loop padding. But I know now that there is hope for this bow.
I hope your enjoying your new tip. Please post pics. I don't get on here as often anymore due to work schedule, but it's nice when I do.
Take care,