G'day Clint! Tuning can be very frustrating and often seems to border on black magic to get it right.
I will have to say following OL's method has yet to fail me but I know others have had problems with it. First of all, I think you are getting false errors if the setup you describe is showing a stiff 300 shaft. On my previous setup using a 300 axis fmj, 450 up front on a 29" shaft tuned great out of a 64#@27" Morrison. Considering the increased weight and poundage, I think you are under gunned with a 300 unless you go very short. I'm 99% sure that 340's are way too soft and would bet lots of money on 400's being wet noodles with that much up front. My "perfect" arrow right now is a 29" 340 axis with 300 head, wrap and 4 fletch out of a 56#@27 Morrison…so I'm relatively confident by that example you are going the wrong way.
Sometimes when an arrow is too weak you get a false reading as the shaft "bounces" off the window. That might be what's happening.
Another thing to consider is if you do get your setup to bareshaft with field points via the OL method, and your fletched arrows with field points fly great, I mean like the preverbal "dart" or "laser", then the issue is not with tuning but with the broad head. Is it perfectly aligned, is it a design that doesn't plane, is the broad head much longer than the field point (yes, this does change the geometry of the arrow)? I have a hard time getting some broad head designs to fly 100% consistently for one reason or another but switched heads and magic, all the problems went away. I've also found on the big wide or heavily weighted heads perfect alignment is critical.
Post a video or pics if you can of your results and you shooting I'll bet there's enough guys on here to help you through it. Don't give up, you CAN get perfect flight with consistent shooting form and proper equipment.