Originally posted by moebow:
Good post Danny!! I'm with you. IMO the HFOC and EFOC attempts we often see are "shots in the dark" because there is no "base" to start from. + or - 14% FOC has worked for ever but many trying for the more extreme FOC arrows don't have a starting point to work from.
Also, in my experience, 90% of the "tuning" problems folks have is NOT bow center cut, arrow spine or point weight -- it IS shot execution and form. We are the MOST variable part of the system.
Winner, winner, chicken dinner!
I shot aluminum arrows for years. They worked well, but they would bend on occasion, and I don't like bent arrows! I liked carbon since they came out, but would not use them for a long time, cause they were not heavy enough for my liking. Then they came out with the components for making carbons heavier; heavy inserts and a much wider variety of field point weights. I worked up my first carbon hunting arrow and the added FOC just happened because the front was the easy place to add the weight (btw, my arrows are 21-22% FOC).
While I shot aluminums, I also shot woods. I could never shoot the woods as well as the aluminums, but they were good enough to play more at 3D shoots. After I switched to the carbons with the higher FOC, the woodies became the scourge of my life! I could group them OK, but could not get them to hit where I was looking to save my life! There is something different about the cast of the higher FOC arrows (at least for me) that wacs me out when I try to shoot the woods now. Last year I finally just gave them up for good.
I have also tried to help several local guys with tuning. The guys that had decent basic form tend to be able to tune ok and we find something that will work well for them. The guys that don't have good form get real frustrated when I tell them that they are doing something wrong that is making the arrows do what they do. I am not good at picking form apart, so they get even more frustrated when I tell them I don't know how to fix their problems!