Many many years ago when I was about 12 or 13 years old, I went to the first annual carp derby in Montana. I was with Dick Robertson. Yeah I was lucky like that, LOL. Anyway, the carp shooting was fast and furious, and during all of the rapid shooting, I had somehow managed to get the string from my fishing arrow wrapped arround my bow string. I shot at a carp, the arrow went out about ten feet, then came back pretty much as fast as it went out. The knock end of the arrow struck me in the stomach making two little holes and knocking the wind out of me. After that I just started shooting regular arrows at the carp and swimming out and catching the periscoping arrows, LOL. I also managed to shoot the biggest carp of that event, which was 12 3/4 pounds. Quite small by southern standards but I guess it was a pretty good one at the time in Montana.