I used to work in the radio world, and it isn't much different than TV, matter of fact, Neilson just bought the company I worked for because the want to control ratings and advertising across radio as well as TV. I learned while working there that TV (and radio) makes money from ADVERTISING, and nothing else. For ANY show to make it, you have to have a large percentage of certain target markets that can be fed advertisement after advertisement in hopes that you get said viewer to visit a store and buy your product(s). And, I have to admit, most of the crowd that are interested in hunting with stick and string and making our own gear, well, we don't fall into one of the target markets.
The two biggest targets are 12-25 year old girls/women, and 18/35 year old man. I'd hazard a guess that most of the people on this forum don't fall into that category, but I could be wrong. However, I bet I am not wrong in regards to what amount of money we would spend on gear - I know I have a personal goal of not spending ANY and making all my own stuff. I doubt that Tandy Leather or Craftsman tools are going to want to pay a network upwards of 50K for 30 seconds of airtime in hopes that I might buy a cowhide for a quiver or an ax to fell that Hickory tree I've been eyeing up.
I personally would be all over a trad archery show. Might I suggest a quality YouTube channel to start, with people subscribing to watch the episodes. That way, you get good videos, without commercials, and you can have submissions from all over. Get a few like-minded folks together, have a couple of people edit and screen out crap videos, get the word out on some of the bigger forums like this one, and see how it goes. Maybe I'm wrong and that YouTube channel will get 500k/1 million subscribers. That would be something that the networks would start getting interested in for sure. If not, then at least we get good quality videos from like minded folks.