As a guy who has started and owned 6 companies (3 of witch are very successful) I can say that every single idea I have ever had has been met with so much negativity and was shot down by so many people. Yet everyone of the ideas turned out great.
When I decided to become a fulltime photographer I had so many other pros tell me I will never make it. Id try to network with them to hopefully get them to send me some of their over flow. they would laugh (literally) in my face and tell me the market is too flooded and they would never help a beginner. I never let it get to me and just pushed harder. Now im one of the most heavily awarded photogs in the state of Michigan and those same "pros" that laughed in my face now call me and tell me they would pay me for me to refer weddings to them.
When I started the Traditional Bowhunting podcast 6 months ago everyone told me it will never work, no one will listen, there isn't enough to talk about, nobody will take you seriously if you record them in your truck while driving, etc. in 6 months we have had over 18,000 visits to the site, over 20,000 downloads, and a couple sponsors (new sponsor coming in a week or so).
Point being, Anytime you have an idea that someone else has not done you will get resistance.
Its what you do with that resistance that defines your capabilities. people say anything worth doing is hard. I believe the reason its hard is the battle with people that you wish supported you more.
Your Idea of traditional bowhunting TV show is most DEFINETLY doable.
Look at F&T Post trapping show. its been on for 2 years and its a show about trapping! if they can do a successful show on trapping you can do a show on trad archery no problem! We have a much bigger following....much bigger!
how I would approach the process:
1: commit to it.
2: get your camera team, equip, etc in order.
3: ask for footage. Ask other trad hunters for their footage and if you use it in the show you will pay them an amount per minute of footage. most will do it for free just to have their stuff on tv.
4: build a demo.
5: build a episode summary list at least 5 topics, episode outlines, and a percentage of likely hood of capturing the needed footage.
6: make calls to tv networks to get pricing to run the show, how much advertising income is needed to be raised per show, etc.
7: take all of your info and contact potential sponsors/advertisers. present your info and cost needs to them. Don't be surprised if you get a cold shoulder from a lot of businesses you contact. many of them (like the nay sayers you face along the way) will not believe in you until you prove yourself. but you cant prove yourself until you get the sponsors. its a catch 22. but stay on it and you will get the sponsors you need. don't get discouraged and stay on it. (example I just sent emails to 10 companies to see about sponsoring my podcast. I got 1 to say yes, 1 that said they will as soon as the funds open up, 2 that said they cant, and 6 that never responded. those 6 are companies I have spent thousands of dollars at and I have always recommended them. Their complete rudeness of not even returning my email leaves a really bad taste in my mouth. but I keep telling myself focus on the positive and wash away the negative. keep moving forward and I will find the sponsors I need to cover the cost of doing the podcast.
Have the same attitude with this Focus on the ones that believe in you and want to help, forget the ones that blew you off, and keep searching for the ones that will help.
8: when you have your team together, sponsors/advertisers, episode outlines, and a rock solid demo together approach some networks. Treat any rejection you get just like the rejection you will get from some of the sponsors...blow it off and keep moving forward.
If you believe in it and want it bad enough you can make it happen. It will be a fight most of the way. you will get mad, frustrated, and defensive many times over and over again. when you learn to let that be a motivator rather that an anchor you will progress very quickly and bring it all together.
Sorry for the long book! But its people like you that drive everything about this country we live in. Its a shame new ideas and passion face as many obstacles and you will face. But I think its gods way of making sure we are up for the task.
I am in your corner 100% and if you ever need any advise or help let me know. Im an expert in proving people wrong and a pro at getting stepped on and finding a way to get back up. That is what starting a business is all about.
I cant wait to see your first episode!