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Author Topic: Maine bear hunting under attack  (Read 1311 times)

Offline jrbows

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #20 on: January 30, 2014, 04:29:00 PM »
I don't agree with taking away citizen's rights, BUT going along with what Mojo said earlier a lot of the Bear hunters in my area-not all- have the opinion that dogs can't read No Trespassing signs I've heard that so many times that it should be a bumper sticker. As it is in most cases a part of the community is eventually going to mess things up for the true responsible sportsmen. The only bad experience I've personally had is a hound showing up in the yard at 1:00 A.M. and it's owner riding up and down the road blowing the horn and yelling for an hour trying to get the dog back I hope a fair resolution can be found for this issue good luck guys.

Offline bowless

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #21 on: January 30, 2014, 05:00:00 PM »
I'm afraid Mojo nailed it with the visual.  When the bill was passed here, there were many ads showing animals in traps. They showed ads with dogs being trained to hunt bear. Bear was chained and the dogs were set loose to bite at it. Of course the ad didn't mention the dog training was in another state! I could go on and on.
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Offline FAV 52

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #22 on: January 30, 2014, 08:27:00 PM »
The anti hunting groups are certainly smiling reading this [hunter against hunter] who do you think will be the next on there list if they get trapping ; baiting ; and hound hunting stopped ; and do you really think the hound people are going to help if they lose there sport . UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL

Offline Mojostick

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #23 on: January 30, 2014, 11:52:00 PM »

This is just my opinion, so please take it as just that.

As a political strategy, what we can't do as hunters is always run off towards the sounds of the guns and charge the machine nests without a realistic plan, just because.

Joining "groups" isn't going to do anything, in most cases. What do the groups even stand for? What clout do they have or will ever have? Most of these groups are well meaning, but their leaders have zero political savvy.

Nearly all hunters have no issue with bear hunting. Nearly all hunters have no issue with bear baiting, at least in the East.

Most hunters have no issue with hound hunting for bears in the East, as long as the hounds and their owners stay on either public land or their own land. If guys want to run bears, they need to do so only on their own private hound clubs. I don't know if you own land or pay taxes on hunting land, but trespassing isn't cool anymore. Far from. It's strangers stomping all over your land and driving all the game off it, that is a huge issue.

In my personal situation, do you know are the only people who ruin any of my hunts or season plans, on my own land? No, it isn't some PETA hippy. No, it isn't deer hunters sneaking in. It's bear houndsmen walking all over my land, busting thru the sanctuary's I don't even enter, smoking cigarettes and yelling for hours for their dogs, for weekend after weekend. And when I've confronted them and demand they leave, on my own land, they basically tell me to screw off because they have a very old law that allows them to use my land. Well, I'm telling them that they are no longer welcome in my hunting fraternity. It's over. It's hunters stabbing others in the back, and violating land owner rights which is the real issue. Hunting is a mere privilege. As a landowner, I have rights.

I see you're from Iowa. I doubt you've dealt with these types of bear hunters. If it only happened occasionally, I'm sure anyone would be cool with it. But when it's packs of hounds running by the cabin at 7am and the ATV's and trucks running all over, every weekend and 10 guys tromping all over your farm or hunting land, your realize they folks aren't part of the same team you're on.

Instead of running to the sounds of the guns and getting mowed down, as hunters with no organization usually do in the political arena, the wiser action is to realize our defendable positions and defend them, successfully.

Bear baiting is defendable. Running hounds was defendable in 1914. It isn't workable in almost all of the Eastern USA in 2014. And trapping bears in 2014 is the biggest political loser I can think of.

Again, just my opinion for the general debate. Debate is good.

Offline Mojostick

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #24 on: January 31, 2014, 12:57:00 AM »
Here's a case where a landowner, a hunting pro-hunting landowner, had 20 some houndsmen bust in and kill an illegal bear on his land. Turns out, it was the biggest ever taken in the county.

This type of behavior is exactly similar to what I experience all the time in my area.

Sadly, my experience with these types hasn't been one of brothers in the hunting community, but more like a flash mob that comes in and loots a 7-11, then runs. But your land is the 7-11.


Here's the follow up and slap on the wrist that the trespassers got...


Offline Roger Norris

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #25 on: January 31, 2014, 07:40:00 AM »
Originally posted by Mojostick:
Here's a case where a landowner, a hunting pro-hunting landowner, had 20 some houndsmen bust in and kill an illegal bear on his land. Turns out, it was the biggest ever taken in the county.

This type of behavior is exactly similar to what I experience all the time in my area.

Sadly, my experience with these types hasn't been one of brothers in the hunting community, but more like a flash mob that comes in and loots a 7-11, then runs. But your land is the 7-11.


Here's the follow up and slap on the wrist that the trespassers got...

Bob - do you live in the lower or UP? I'm a pretty responsible beagle guy.....and I can't imagine running bear dogs in the lower. Too much private land.

I'm aware of the law that allows me to go get my dog if it crosses onto private land. And I have exercised it exactly once. I realize running rabbits is a smaller scale than bears, but....I make sure I know where my dog is, and if she is heading onto private land, I call her off. Just last week I stopped her on a hot trail because she was heading straight into a private section. The time that I did go onto private land to get her, I first secured my bow in the truck. I was NOT hunting, I was chasing my dog.

I am all for hunting bears with hounds, but houndsman who do it adjacent to too much private land are irresponsible.

As for trapping bears, I think it's pretty darn neat that Maine sportsman can still do it....but that is going to be a pictorial nightmare. Good luck Maine, sincerely.

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Offline Bill Carlsen

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #26 on: January 31, 2014, 08:55:00 AM »
The problem in Maine is that the attack includes baiting and dogs and trapping….not one or the other. Joining SAM does help. They are very local and probably the largest sportsman's group in Maine. They were primarily responsible for winning the last efforts to do this. One of the unintended consequences of the issue is that black bears are the #1 killer of moose calves. If the bill is passed you can expect that in years to come the moose population and hunting of them will dwindle. It's a BIG issue.
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Offline Mojostick

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #27 on: January 31, 2014, 09:09:00 AM »
I'm near Big Rapids. So I'm in the southern end of the NLP. I'm in the heart of the Baldwin unit. I have lots of bear in the area.

The problem is, I'm an hour away from over 1,000,000 people. So every guy from Muskegon or Lansing with a UP permit comes to my area to run bears. There's weekends where 2-4 different groups of guys come thru on a Saturday.
You can see why we're sick of it.

I have virtually no issue with guys running dogs in the UP, but in Newaygo county? We average 55 people per square mile. Compare that to Baraga, with 8 people per square mile.

I've talked to the MDNR bear people and my state rep. They know there is a problem in the Baldwin unit. The Baldwin unit is the #1 unit for complaints.

You can realize that the Big Rapids/White Cloud area is way too populated for running bear with dogs. Frankly, there's so many houses compared to 30 years ago that I've surprised rifles are still allowed for deer in my area.

The solution for my area is easy, go bait only.

Let's put it this way, it's so bad in my  immediate area that I have 10 bear points and I won't turn them in until a change is made, because all my neighbors who've turned in their points for a Baldwin tag got screwed by endless dog groups.

Another option for training dogs is that there's no training in the Baldwin unit, unless someone in the group has a valid Baldwin tag. See my idea?

As it is now, since the Baldwin unit is the most southern unit, and we do have good bear numbers, tons of guys with permits for the UP don't train in the UP, they train in the Baldwin unit. So we've got a ton of training traffic.

I hope this explains things better. I have no issue with the ethics of running dogs for bear. But after about the 40th group of guys come busting thru my land in a 2 month period, it gets really old.

Maybe a lottery for training in the southern units is an idea. Somehow the traffic in the Baldwin unit needs to be managed. Although for the southern units, I still say bait only is the answer. That's how Wisconsin does it. Michigan needs to do the same, where the high human population zones are bait only.

Are you a member of MBHA? If so, please pass along our plea's. Myself and neighbors are avid sportsmen and very much pro-hunting, obviously. But when something isn't working, it doesn't work. Running bears where you could cross up to 20-50 different 5-20 acre landowners in a morning doesn't work.


Offline John146

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #28 on: January 31, 2014, 11:32:00 AM »

The points you make about the guys who hunt bear with dogs could be exactly applied to the guys in MS (where I used to hunt) who "hunt" deer with dogs. A more disrespectful, dishonest, law breaking bunch you will never find. They KNOW their dogs are coming on your land and they just could care less.

I saw one truck with a license plate that said, "Save a deer dog, kill a still hunter."

There comes a time when you need to seperate from those who by their voluntary, willful actions endanger the sport for all of us. We can only defend what is defensible. Dog hunters running all over private land at will is not defensible - at least not for long.
Todd Trahan
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Offline Tall Paul

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #29 on: January 31, 2014, 11:55:00 AM »
Originally posted by John146:

The points you make about the guys who hunt bear with dogs could be exactly applied to the guys in MS (where I used to hunt) who "hunt" deer with dogs. A more disrespectful, dishonest, law breaking bunch you will never find. They KNOW their dogs are coming on your land and they just could care less.

I saw one truck with a license plate that said, "Save a deer dog, kill a still hunter."

There comes a time when you need to seperate from those who by their voluntary, willful actions endanger the sport for all of us. We can only defend what is defensible. Dog hunters running all over private land at will is not defensible - at least not for long.
X2-nothing makes my blood boil like dog hunters dumping their dogs out on one side of my property and chasing all the game.  They do it on purpose.
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Offline Mojostick

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #30 on: January 31, 2014, 02:07:00 PM »
Let me add, I'm all for bear hunting. Between my dad (RIP) and myself, we have 5 Grizzly kills between us and black bear hunting in Ontario was a tradition with everyone I grew up with.

But with dogs chasing game off land, well, that is the whole point isn't it? The dogs are just deer/bear drivers with legal access to anyone's land.  The whole point is to drive game off land where the houndsmen have no access onto land that can be legally hunted by the dog owners. But by hoping a bear may eventually end up on some public land a couple miles away, they sure tear up a lot of private land on the way. That IS the issue between hunters. It's not the ethics of shooting a bear out of a tree or over a pile of donuts, it's how the bear got there is the debate.

Lots of hunters pay lots in taxes to own private land. My tax bill is nearly $10,000 a year. I don't appreciate strangers coming from who knows where to tromp all over it and then tell me I can't make them leave. It's like coming home and finding a stranger on your couch, drinking your beer, watching your TV and not only can't you make him leave, if you shoot his dog you pay like a $10,000 fine.

Michigan's dog law is from 1919. Things have changed since 1919. Wholesale trespassing just isn't cool anymore.

Maybe minimums of acreage could be set? Again, if someone is on the remote UP in the middle of  10,000 acres of public land, that's totally different than being on 200 acres of public and letting the dogs lose 100 yards from a mile section of private land, which is what happens in my area.

All I know is, from talking to all my neighbors and all of them hunt but none of which run dogs, if banning hounds ever came up on a ballot, we'd all vote for it. The hound hunting groups should fully understand that and that they need to change, not us, the landowners whose land they're hunting.  

But that fix is easy. In Michigan, make the LP bait only and allow both bait and dogs in the UP and I think everyone wins.

For Maine, I'm not sure what can be done. The fact that they are the last remaining state in the East that allows bear trapping, and the HSUS has lumped trapping, dogs and baiting together, seems like a tough to win situation. If trapping and dogs was removed prior to the election, Maine hunters could probably save baiting. But my guess is like HSUS, they'll defend all 3 practices lumped together.

Either way, it's a huge shot across the bow for all hunters. The actions of one small group lumps us in with their behavior. While the immediate reaction of some is to defend all hunters at all costs, just keep in mind that when you go knocking on doors for hunting access, it could well be a single bad experience with one group of hunters who has cut off access to the rest of us, forever.

Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #31 on: January 31, 2014, 02:10:00 PM »
All i needed to see was hunting under attack.
 My donation will be taken care of as soon as I get back in the office tonight.
 The argument of dogs is not the real issue at this specific moment. And that is a debate for another thread IMO. This thread should be to help Maine. Even if you don't live or hunt there still help. I promise this kind of crap will make it to your area and you will want all of our help then. 10-15 bucks for everyone on here would go along way to help as a whole but by itself won't buy a meal for 2 at McDonalds... My beer belly could get along just fine with one less fast food meal. And when we have these battles in Michigan (seems like always), I hope others help us out here.

Online mgf

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #32 on: January 31, 2014, 05:12:00 PM »
I think they should keep the hunting legal and just make it illegal for the dogs to trespass.

Offline squapan

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2014, 06:55:00 PM »
Thanks guys for all your kind words and support!Some of you have some great points,
like Bill said, trespass is not a really big issue here in northern Maine.
most of the bearing is done in remote Maine. I think the worst thing we can do as hunters is be devided. We need to stand together in times like this! These people we feed on this and eat us up if we don't. Bear hunting today,But it could be deer hunting or hog hunting in your back yard tomorrow! If this happens 1. loss of 900plus jobs
2. a 100 million dollar hit to our economy 3. loss of our spring moose calves and deer fawns. 4.The over population of bears coming in to our towns.Thanks to everyone who has and will donate! I promiss when they come to your state Maine will stand with you!
Squapan Mountain Outfitters
T boucher/squapan

Offline squapan

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2014, 06:05:00 AM »
T boucher/squapan

Offline Wiley Coyote

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2014, 06:42:00 AM »
After fifteen years of no spring bear hunt in Ontario they have opened it up again for Ontario residents only in a few Wildlife Management Units around the big centres such as Sudbury, Timmins etc. This is a two year deal.......hopefully it works out and they let in non-residents in a few years......... Haven't heard much whinning about it from the antis yet......   :thumbsup:
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Offline squapan

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #36 on: February 02, 2014, 08:39:00 AM »
T boucher/squapan

Online Jim Wright

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #37 on: February 02, 2014, 11:22:00 AM »
There is obviously a lot of emotion on this matter but I'll try to tread lightly. If I have searched correctly there are 32 states with black bear seasons and 20 of them do not allow baiting. It is obvious that even in a wilderness area bear hunters are not the only people using the land. Is it hard to believe that bears have extraordinary noses and ALWAYS detect human scent in the bait area when they feed? Is it not then probable that there is a very real chance that bears feeding on set bait are more inclined to become "problem bears" for other hunters, fishermen, backpackers etc..?
  Concerning chase dogs, much has already been mentioned here about bear hunting with them by private property owners and I can attest to knowledge of the same slobs and deer dogs in residential areas adjacent to "hunting clubs" near where I live in a large Metropolitan area.    
  Concerning trapping bears, I.M.H.O. it is a different subject than hunting and no matter how passionately you may defend the practice against restrictive legislation, it will be hard to avoid getting your ass whipped by a few photos.
  Laws regulating hunting and fishing have been passed affecting Sportsmen in every state for more than a century now and they will continue to be passed, it's not Communism but simply reality. The way we conduct ourselves such as the stickers we put on our vehicles, the t-shirts we wear in public and the pictures we post on sites such as this one all affect the Public's perception of us and is critical whether we like it or not because it is that "Public" that decide with their vote whether proposed legislation passes or not.

Offline LB_hntr

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2014, 05:33:00 PM »
I clicked the link read the details and sent an email to them to find out how to make a donation directly to this issue. Hopefully everyone on here did or is gonna do the same thing. If you didn't or arebjot going to shame on ya. If you are on this forum you are obviously passionate about bow hunting. Right now in Maine bowgunting is under attack. We as passionate bowhunters need to step up and give the organizations in Maine the money they need to do what they think is best to fight this. It always comes down to money.
Click the link, send an email and donate some money to protect our sport. Every dollar matters. Even if you only give 10 bucks do something. 20 is better than 10 and 40 is better than 20. 20 bucks doesn't buy crap in today's society, but 20 bucks from everyone might let us win another battle and prove our strength

Offline squapan

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Re: Maine bear hunting under attack
« Reply #39 on: February 02, 2014, 08:13:00 PM »
Bless you LB hnyr!!!!! Maine thanks you! Its our fight today but it will someone elses tomorrow!
T boucher/squapan

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