I'm near Big Rapids. So I'm in the southern end of the NLP. I'm in the heart of the Baldwin unit. I have lots of bear in the area.
The problem is, I'm an hour away from over 1,000,000 people. So every guy from Muskegon or Lansing with a UP permit comes to my area to run bears. There's weekends where 2-4 different groups of guys come thru on a Saturday.
You can see why we're sick of it.
I have virtually no issue with guys running dogs in the UP, but in Newaygo county? We average 55 people per square mile. Compare that to Baraga, with 8 people per square mile.
I've talked to the MDNR bear people and my state rep. They know there is a problem in the Baldwin unit. The Baldwin unit is the #1 unit for complaints.
You can realize that the Big Rapids/White Cloud area is way too populated for running bear with dogs. Frankly, there's so many houses compared to 30 years ago that I've surprised rifles are still allowed for deer in my area.
The solution for my area is easy, go bait only.
Let's put it this way, it's so bad in my immediate area that I have 10 bear points and I won't turn them in until a change is made, because all my neighbors who've turned in their points for a Baldwin tag got screwed by endless dog groups.
Another option for training dogs is that there's no training in the Baldwin unit, unless someone in the group has a valid Baldwin tag. See my idea?
As it is now, since the Baldwin unit is the most southern unit, and we do have good bear numbers, tons of guys with permits for the UP don't train in the UP, they train in the Baldwin unit. So we've got a ton of training traffic.
I hope this explains things better. I have no issue with the ethics of running dogs for bear. But after about the 40th group of guys come busting thru my land in a 2 month period, it gets really old.
Maybe a lottery for training in the southern units is an idea. Somehow the traffic in the Baldwin unit needs to be managed. Although for the southern units, I still say bait only is the answer. That's how Wisconsin does it. Michigan needs to do the same, where the high human population zones are bait only.
Are you a member of MBHA? If so, please pass along our plea's. Myself and neighbors are avid sportsmen and very much pro-hunting, obviously. But when something isn't working, it doesn't work. Running bears where you could cross up to 20-50 different 5-20 acre landowners in a morning doesn't work.