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Author Topic: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather  (Read 4196 times)

Offline pdk25

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Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« on: February 07, 2014, 06:54:00 PM »
I just got back a couple of hours ago from what has become an annual hog hunt with friends in west Texas.  Pretty tired, and wind/sun burned, but I will try to get this thread started.

I got up at 1 am last sunday just as planned to head in to work for a few hours so that I could make the drive to the ranch and meat my hunting partners in the morning.  I got on the road for the hunt a little after 6am, but what ordinarily would be a 3.5 hour trip turned into just a little under 6 hours, as an atypical snowstorm hit the region shortly after I got started driving and the roads were awful.  I say unusual, but cold weather frequently follows Dave Sisamis when he visits Texas in February, at least 3 out of the last 4 years. My hunting partners for the trip were Dave Sisamis(dirtybird), his brother Scott, Mike Gerardi, and Bryan Bolding. I ended getting to the ranch around 45 minutes before Bryan, Mike, and Dave did, since they had to drive in the same weather as me, but had to stop for groceries and licenses on the way down to the ranch from the Oklahoma City area.  Scott ended up getting there several hours later, driving up from Waco and missed out on the evening hunt.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2014, 07:10:00 PM »
Sunday Evening:

The wind was out of the north, so the 4 of us headed out to an area we call hog mountain which usually holds a lot of hogs.  Mike crossed a set of fresh tracks headed to the west to hunt toward the road maybe half way to the south side of hog mountain, while the rest of us circled around the mountain and hunted back toward the road into the wind.  The walking was tough, with drifts between 1 and 2 feet and around 8 inches on the ground overall.  I can't really speak to exactly what the others saw, but all I was seeing was coyote and cow tracks with no fresh hog tracks in the area that I was covering.  There was no quiet walking, as the moisture content in the snow was high enough that every step squeaked underfoot.  I maintained a higher than normal pace trying to cut fresh sign, without any luck.  I got back to open fields to the north of the mountain with a lot of daylight left, so I headed to the west border of the mountain, and found fresh tracks several hundred yards south of where Mike went in.  I headed in and followed the tracks, but it wasn't long until I came on boot tracks.  Thinking that Mike had decided to circle far to the south before working the patch toward the north, I figured the tracks were several hours old, so I started following them with some carelessness since I figured it had been worked earlier.  I was surprised when I heard Mike hiss at me to stop when I was only a few hundred steps into the woods.  He had a hog that he was chasing all over the place for the last several hours in front of him.  He told me I should circle around the east and get to the North so the hog would wind me and possible push him out of the cover toward him.  I obliged, but the hog scooted out of there without Mike seeing him.  I pushed out of there to the NW to get out of Mike's way.  Sorry I kind of buggered it up for Mike this day.  I will let the others tell about that day if they want.  I didn't see a hog that day.

Offline Jayrod

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2014, 07:31:00 PM »
:campfire: i know this is gonna be good as I just got off the phone with Dave!  :thumbsup:
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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #3 on: February 07, 2014, 07:41:00 PM »

Pretty cool out, but the wind was out of the SE to start the day, so Bryan and I headed out to the North of smelter tank to work the drainages back toward the tank, hoping that hogs would be bedding or rooting in the grassy creek beds and trying to stay out of the wind.  We split up, with Bryan an little further to the west and a little more on the edge of the drainage.  We lost track of each other and just proceded to hunt toward the tank.  I saw a little black hog moving a few hundred yards to my left and quickly made to circle to keep a favorable wind and close the gap. As I crossed over a less steep section of a dried up creek bed and scrambled up the far bank, A nice 175# boar jumped up not 5 yards from where I crossed.  It was bedded in the creek, and was so focused on getting to the other hog I never saw it.  Kicked myself, and decided to get back to following the drainage.  Cows were everywhere, and at least the noise of my footsteps could be mistaken for one of those.  I had a coyote upwind of me at 35 yards looking away toward the the bottom, but I wanted a little closer, so I got behind a juniper and moved a little closer.  The coyote came around and I would have had a 30 yard shot.  Some 6th sense must have kicked in, because he stopped in the only spot with a small mesquite tree in the way while I was at full draw. Of course before moving on, he turned to look in my direction.  He saw me, turned inside out, and was out of there.  Guess I should have taken the shot when I had the chance.  I few minutes later I heard a squeal in the bottom.  I texted Bryan, but he didn't have reception, so I headed toward the hogs solo.  I was on them right after dropping down into a flat marshy area, and a small boar was rooting in front of me. He gave me a 23 yard broadside shot, so I quickly took it.  It hit him about an inch in front of where I was aiming, but it still managed to slice the heart.  The boar stood stock still for a few seconds after the shot, then took off almost as if I missed.  I didn't have long to worry, because a few seconds later it was rolling and doing a death squeal around 20 yards from both me and the spot it was standing.  First time a hog has died within my sight, so I was pretty happy.  Here is a picture of it.  I must warn you, the camera on my cell phone awful.



I marked the location of the hog on my GPS, and headed out after the sounder that had headed to the southeast with the wind in their face.  Fortunate for me.  I still couldn't get ahold of Bryan, and caught up to the hogs who had bedded down.  Eventually Bryan caught up to me and spotted the bedded hogs, but they got up and moved out to the east.  We had a risky shot at 35 yards on the move and decided not to take it, but the lead sow caught our motion and they were out of there.  I had a post hole digger, and wanted to dig some pig bombs since they had been successful for me in the area last year.  Bryan continued hunting while I did that.  He got into hogs, but wasn't able to score on any, but I will let him tell that story if he joins in. That pretty much sums up the morning for us.  The wind shifted to being out of the North for the afternoon, so Bryan and I hit hog mountain again, but I didn't see any more hogs for the rest of the day.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2014, 08:04:00 PM »

Forgive me, but I am tired, and I am having trouble exactly remembering Tuesday morning but it will come to me.  I remember that it warmed up in the afternoon and the roads got too muddy to use a lot of the roads on the ranch.  The wind was out of the southeast, and it seemed like the best thing for us was to hunt all through smelter canyon to the north.  I had recently had surgery on my knee and was unsure if I could handle the distance and terrain of that hunt, so I decided to hunt from smelter tank toward the north, and then maybe sit for the evening by one of the pig bombs that I had dug the day before.  

The hunting manager of the ranch dropped us off at our respective hunting spots and we started hunting.  By the time that I got done clearing shooting lanes and making some corn trails to a pig bomb, a little over an hour had transpired.  I headed toward the north and crossed in to the drainage.  I crossed a creek  trying not to spook the cows on the other side, but as soon as the cows moved out of my line of site, there were to large boars around 80 yards in the field in front of me.  Unfortunately, the largest was looking directly at me, while the other one continued to root.  They probably weighed around 250# and 150# respectively.  I stood still, and eventually the larger hog started moving around some, but was obviously still alert, while the other was unfazed.  I couldn't circle to get better wind with the larger one alert, and eventually the other hog rooted toward me and got my wind.  They both took off, and I spent the next 2 hours tracking the largest one until I lost the trail in other hog tracks.  I headed back to my pig bomb for the evening sit, but I wasn't sitting for more than a few minutes before other events transpired, but I will let others get that ball rolling.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #5 on: February 07, 2014, 08:31:00 PM »

Well, let's say the weather was suboptimal for both Wednesday and Thursday.  It was in the low teens and 25 mph winds when we woke up, but we decided to wait until the wind was less than 20 to head out, which was in mid to late morning.  It probably didn't get above 20 degrees and the winds stayed just under 20 for the rest of the day.  It was bitterly cold on the flats for those of us from Oklahoma that aren't used to this type of weather.  The winds were our of the northeast, so Mike and Bryan decided to hunt a canyon near east  Y tank that runs that direction, while Dave, Scott, and I hunted another similar, but smaller, canyon just to the east of that.

We dropped one truck off to the North then parked the other truck just off of the highway to the south to begin our hunt.  The hunting ranch manager asked us to drop of some corn to the North by a feeder on the way.  There was a large hog feeding on the edge of the wheat field as we approached, and he was so big we initially though it was a cow. It moved off into the woods, but we decided to corn the edge of this woods as well as the feeder, and we parked the truck just a little over 100 yards past the feeder, before we headed back to park near the road.

We crossed a bull pasture, with no major events and got into the canyon, Happy that we hadn't frozen yet.  It was much more comfortable being out of the wind in the canyon, and the cattle were thinking the same thing, as they were a companion for the remainder of the hunt.  Fortunately, it appeared the hogs had the same idea as the cows.  We fanned out and started working our way through the canyon, but it is very easy to loose track of your partners in this terrain.  That was the case when I was on the far right of the canyon and looked to my left and saw a huge boar around 30 yards away and already on it's feet facing south and looking alert.  I had no more than got an arrow out of my quiver when it busted out of there to the north.  I met up later with Dave and Scott, and they had seen the hog before me and it had been alert to them.  This hog probably was around a 350# hog.  Later that morning, Scott and I came together in the bottom of the canyon, where we got pinched by the terrain.  We stood for around 5 minutes discussing where Dave was, and a plan of attack for the remainder of the canyon, when a hog that had been bedded down 20 yards from us had finally had enough of our small talk and decided it was time to leave.  With as much noise as we were making, you would never think that a hog would have been there, but with the wind and the constant noise of cattle moving through the snow, this was a theme that played out repeatedly.  Dave had got close to a sow and some smaller ones toward the end of the hunt-able portion of this canyon, but no shot opportunities.    We headed out as a group to the next area.

We were going to make a big loop through the wheat fields toward the southeast and hunt the edge of the large canyon back toward the feeder hoping that some hogs would be on the corn.  On the way, Scott demonstrated awesome vision when he spotted a huge tan hog basking in the sun on the edge of a stock pond.  With that color it blended in well with that portion of the bank that didn't have any snow on it.  Since Scott saw the hog, he had the opportunity to put a stalk on it, but this hog must have been pretty clever.  It was open to the south, so no approach.  There was a weird funnel effect, and winds were swirling to him from around both sides of the pond, and the junipers to his back made an approach difficult.  Scott did his best and got within 30-40 yards, but before here could get a clear shot the wind did him in.  Very comfortable temperature in this bowl, so we had a short lunch before we set off for more hunting.

As we were crossing the field toward the canyon, I noticed a group of hogs along the edge of the field where we had put the corn.  We hustled more to the southeast to keep the wind in our favor, and hugged the edge to get up on the hogs, with Scott in the lead.  We had closed the gap pretty well, with the hogs on the edge moving in and out of cover and along the edge with no apparent pattern.  Scott was kneeling along the field edge by a juniper hoping they would give him a shot, when Scott told me to look at Dave.  I turned and saw  had that focused look and an arrow nocked.  I turned around and saw to hogs coming right toward him.  I had a shot on one of them at maybe 15 yards through, but from my angle it looked like Dave had a clear shot and was waiting for them to turn broadside.  My opportunity passed, as they moved into a spot with cover between me and them, then they passed out of range back the way they came.  I didn't realize it, but there was thick cover between Dave and the hogs, so no shot for him.  Just after that, an nice sow moved in front of Scott, but it was maybe 25 yards away and seemed to be alerted to him.  Scott felt confident in the shot, but it deflected off of a branch and the hogs took off.  We heard other hogs in the brush along the field edge, so Scott and Dave followed that, while I tried to parallel the edge deeper into the woods.

I was quickly surrounded by hogs, and I had a huge boar feeding quartering away, but I misjudged the distance badly, and my shot went between his legs.   He bolted out of there, and must have been followed by another 15 hogs.  I stood still, waiting for the woods to quiet down.  A few moments later a 100# sow approached me, and started to circle me and was about to get by wind.  She was taking an arc around me and when I took the shot at around 10 yards I though she was broadside.  By the time I took it she was quartering towards me, and what I though was a good shot took some lung and liver, but I didn't know that until later.  Dave heard the noise and texted me if I had shot and needed help.  Told him I though I hit one good, but they should come to me because I was covered up in hogs.  He said that they were too, so I told them to keep at it, and I went to find my hog.  I really didn't wait long to start the track at all, because I though she was hit pretty good.  I went to look for my arrow that I shot at the large boar, but it was buried somewhere in the snow and I could find it.

I took up the trail after the sow, following the blood on the snow.  I had good blood for around 100 yards, and it started to fizzle out.  Whenever she would roll or lay down under a tree, there would be a lot of blood, but then it would stop for awhile.  I would mark the last spot of blood on the gps, and follow here tracks in the snow, although other hog tracks made it difficult.  This went on for quite a while, until after maybe 500 yards I caught up to here and jumped her out of bed.  She was hurt bad, but with the poor blood on the ground I really wanted to get another arrow into here.  I took a shot into thick cover that the arrow richocheted off of, never to be found.  The sow got a burst of energy, but that made it easier to find her trail, and I caught up to her in the open and put another arrow into her lungs, albeit a little high.  She staggered another 20 yards and went down for good, but I saw here struggling when I was 15 yards away and put a final one in her, which was my last arrow.  I came to regret that decision, because as soon as I put the final shot in her, to decent boars came in straight towards her and gave me good shots at 10 yards, but I had no arrows left.  They got to her, smelled the blood, and scooted out of there.  Here is a pic of her, but once again poor picture quality.


The temperature was dropping, so I was quick to get her gutted and out of there.  I took my 2 piece thunderchild apart and put it in my quiver, through the quiver over my shoulder, grabbed the sows feet with one hand, my gps in the other, and headed toward the field.  

I eventually got back to the field and deposited the sow along the edge and caught my breath.  I was standing there for a few moments, when I see a wounded hog struggling toward me from directly across the wheat field.  It hadn't seen my yet, and I assumed that Dave or Scott had shot this hog, so I texted and called them leaving the message for them to get to the field quickly because their hog was there.  I didn't wait for a response, because as the hog got to the middle of the field it spotted me and headed straight away.  It's hind end was working properly, and I took off after it at a run.  I was actually gaining on it when it hit the woods on the far side, but I had to stop to take by bow out of the quiver, and put it back together.  This will come into play with Thursday's story.  For now, I saw Dave and Scott several hundred yards away on the edge of the field, and the ran toward me.  When they joined me, they told me that they had not shot this hog and saw me chasing it across the field and assumed I had shot it.  We lost it's tracks among several other fresh sets of hog tracks.  It was getting late and cold, so we headed back to camp, knowing we were coming back to this same spot the next day.

Offline Gator1

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #6 on: February 07, 2014, 09:42:00 PM »
:campfire:    :campfire:  

Great story brewing here..

Offline elkken

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #7 on: February 07, 2014, 10:05:00 PM »
What is a pig bomb ??
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good

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Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #8 on: February 07, 2014, 10:11:00 PM »
A pig bomb is what we call it when you dig a hole with a post-hole digger around 2 feet deep, fill it with corn or other goodies, and cover it with a little dirt.  After the hogs hit it, it looks like a bomb went off.



Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #9 on: February 07, 2014, 10:40:00 PM »
Thursday:  Gonna have to wait until tomorrow, as I am too bushed to continue.  It was not the most productive day of hunting I have ever had, but I am pretty sure that it was the most fun day that I have ever had hunting.  Definitely want to thank Dave and Scott for being a part of it and adding to it.

Offline JDunlap

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #10 on: February 07, 2014, 11:28:00 PM »
Sounds like a ton of fun!
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Offline Fattony77

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #11 on: February 08, 2014, 02:05:00 AM »
:campfire:  Can't wait for the rest of the story! Makin' me wanna go look for some hogs around here...

Offline Matty

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #12 on: February 08, 2014, 02:24:00 AM »
Nice Pat! That seems like a pretty cool/productive place. Nice piggies too. The last 3 years I've been down there in February the weather has been snowy. Must be a trend.. Glad you had a good time.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #13 on: February 08, 2014, 06:11:00 AM »
Going to do the rest a little at a time, since I am driving to Dallas now, and only have my cellphone.

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2014, 07:17:00 AM »
This is awesome!!!!

I'd been talking to Mike a bit about this hunt before he left.

Can't wait to hear and see more!!
Curt } >>--->   

"I love you Daddy".......My son Cade while stump shooting  3/19/06

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #15 on: February 08, 2014, 08:04:00 AM »
Mike had pretty good success this hunt, but I will let him tell his story.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #16 on: February 08, 2014, 08:28:00 AM »
The day started out wwth single digit temps, with 10-15mph winds oout of the northeast, an it reached a high of around 18 degrees, with the wind dropping down to 8-10mph.  The lower winds made it a lot more comfortable. Bryan and Mike headed to an area a little to the northeast of where they hunted on Wednesday, and Dave. Scott and I headed back to where we hunted the day before. We corned the edge of the field and headed into the southwest corner to hunt.

Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #17 on: February 08, 2014, 08:45:00 AM »
We had high hopes, with the hogs concentrated from the bad weather, a little fresh snow for tracking, and cattle in the area to confuse the hogs in regards to our noisy footsteps.  We had no sooner entered the woods than we hear squealing and grunting ahead of us, as we could feel the adrenaline build.

Offline Cyclic-Rivers

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #18 on: February 08, 2014, 09:24:00 AM »

You'll live longer!

Charlie Janssen

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Offline pdk25

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Re: Great winter hog hunt, despite frigid weather
« Reply #19 on: February 08, 2014, 09:35:00 AM »
Hopefully Dave and Scott will fill in some details about the days events.  We headed forward and quickly spotted hogs all around us, with a group bedded on top of each other under a juniper tree making all kinds of squeals and grunts, with other hogs milling around the area.  Scott took the lead, with Dave and I fanning out a little behind him.  As Scott moved forward, two hog approached from our right and were coming into the clear broadside 10 yards in front of me.  I started to draw my bow, but just a few inches into the draw a loud 'snap' came from the top limb of my bow, and hovs started to scatter.  In.my haste to put the bow together chasing the lame hog, I didn't get the string all the way in the groove, and the snap was the string settling into the groove.  I was pissed at myself, and Dave didn't look too happy either, lol. Fortunately the settled back down with some bedded and some roaming just like before.

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