In hindsight, I should have waited for the Boar to die right there, but instead I went to my knees to circle to the right. The highs ears were trained on us an it started to turn it's head toward me while it was mostly facing away from me, but barely quartered. I decided to get another arrow in it, trying for the very narrow gap in from of it's hip. Well, my shot was off the mark actually hit the right ear. The big jumped up, I nocked another arrow, and in a split second three arrows were in the air. Dave's took it in the heart, mine quartered through lungs, and I think Scott's went high. It looked like tribe of aborigines had chucked spears simultaneously. The hog went around and turned to face us. For a second I thought, here we go. Quickly our concern about a charge faded, and as we watched our staggering quarry, we started saying ' oh crap, there go our arrows. Both if our wood arrows snapped as the boar went down.