The big brown UPS truck showed up yesterday, and it happened to have a box from Nixa with my name on it....
The bow is a 60 inch PCH V; 52@28. I asked them to install a stabilizer insert...have read entirely too many Joebuck I guess this is my purpose built turkey bow now. After reading all the positive things about SBD strings, I decided that's what I wanted on this bow. I've had the SBD string on my 60 inch PSR for a week or so shooting it in (yes, I'll be getting another SBD for my PSR....) and the string made the transition to it's new home without any issue.
Of course there's a bit of tuning to be done, but I did shoot 20 or so arrows yesterday...with a big ol grin on my face. Beyond smooth, moved a 10.5 GPP arrow with authority, and from the first shot, almost freakishly quiet.