I am not real sure where this should go :confused: , but I have an Older Lemonwood American Longbow with Cork for a Grip, that I am going to have to Pike because whoever made it kind of boogered up the nock ends. It does shoot really well, and smooth as silk!!
I would really Love to add some Class to it by using Antler Tines to Craft some Nocks on the Piked Ends. Problem is, I dont have any. Can one of y'all help a guy out here? they need to be about an Inch at the Base, so i can have some room to Work with drilling and Fitting, and about 4 to 6 inches long. So I have some Wiggle Room. (In Case I Screw Up :rolleyes: ) This will be a First Attempt for me, so
ANY and
ALL Advice is Appreciated!! Light or Dark Tines make no difference to me. I know some of you fellas snag some drops at the end of the season, I havent found any. We can work out Price and Payment and such later, ok??
I would sure appreciate any Help y'all can give me! Its an Old 30s to possible 50s Bow, according to the
"LongBow Guru" I asked about it, Mr. Eric Krewson. Thank You in Advance for Your Help in Bringing this Old Bow back to Life!!