My point was that 40lbs was enough for deer, buffalo have been taken with bows of a similar pull, some heavier. But a 1000lbs pull was not required, as TG very own thread points out...
I do not disagree with this statement at all.In fact there is plenty of evidence to back that claim.
For what it is worth, I don't disrespect your opinion Son of a Rooster. I just reject the idea that how the Indians hunted bison with bows is remotely similar to how most of us hunt whitetail deer.
I do not dispute this either,in fact i hail this opinion.It is one of the main contentions i have with the accepted versions of what is written of how it was done.For example....
They used their bows and arrows to shoot Bison,at point blank range,while riding along side the animal...
They filled the animal with multiple arrows and tracked the animal and retrieved it later.
They rode their horses in among the herd and discharged arrows...
They chased the herds while hoseback,for long distances and were able to kill many in the process.
These are stories i hear repeated constantly and i can shoot holes in everyone of them.Actually,i think the early native people,had a higher kill ratio and success with the Jump method,but had more opportunities at hunting the animals after acquiring the horse,for the simple fact,that they could move with the herd more easily.I also think the horse was used in conjunction with the jump method more than thought.
Its not that im directing my comments at you personally pdk25 ,it was more directed at the authors of past publishings,that keep getting handed down as the gospel.I guess i should have made that more clear..
My being a Farrier has no bearing on my knowledge of Horses or Bison and the use of them together.I know farriers,this day n age,who know next to nothing about a horse above the fetlock region.Its a scary thought,but a reality,unfortunately.