I have been a non operational member of several clubs and groups over the years, mainly because my job took me away a lot and I really found it difficult to participate, as some are saying. Sometimes life gets in the way of fun.
That changed recently and I hope to participate much more.
The WTA, I am finding out, is a lot of fun. Like minded folks. More and more get together's. We had three separate bunny hunts this winter. At one of them, we discussed the possibility of other similar events, maybe a group bow fish day (or maybe several !), and others as we come up with them.
Anyway, the group is fun to be around, but it also
provides more. I hear about upcoming issues because someone of the group is always paying attention as needed, we donate our time, money and efforts to the archers community (and more), and we are active in reviewing, commenting and hopefully, driving legislation that affects us.
Yeah, our numbers aren't great, but with just a little help they can be that much greater.
Even the most experienced person started out at the bottom. A group starts with two, then gets bigger. Well, we are well beyond just two !
We are talking about Wisconsin and the WTA in THIS thread, but every state should have a similar entity and all of them are important and need your backing.